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30 Years of Web: Future-Ready Apps

Jana Iyengar

Many websites today are really applications, and we should be building them as such. To do that, we need application architectures and networks that are capable of supporting fast, secure, and scalable user experiences. We must embrace a more dynamic mindset in how we approach web development and consider the tools we need to get there.

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30 Years of Web: Future Demands

Davin Camara

As we look back to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the website, it’s also worth thinking about the next 30 years. There are a couple of areas where we — as engineers, developers, and builders in general — can champion innovation, mainly around architecture and security.

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You can now test Compute code in Fastly Fiddle

Andrew Betts

Fastly customers have been using our Fiddle tool for years to try out ideas for edge logic in VCL. With the advent of Compute last year, we made our edge compute network accessible to any language that compiles to WebAssembly, and now you can write Compute code in Fiddle too.

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Get started with Fastly logging and Compute@Edge | Fastly

Alex Kesler

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the basic steps of outputting messages to STDIO and tailing that output with the Fastly CLI as well as configuring a log streaming endpoint, emitting logs in your application, and confirming the delivery of those logs to your target logging destination.

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Preventing SSRF: Apache CVE-2021-40438 | Fastly

Fastly Security Research Team

Our Security Research Team provides guidance on how to address CVE-2021-40438, a vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.48 and earlier, by patching impacted version(s) and enabling a new templated rule to prevent exploitation.


Using cURL to Test Origin Server Responses

Matt Torrisi

Curl, or cURL, is a utility that’s shipped by default on operating systems like MacOS and many Linux distributions that allows you to send an HTTP request to a URL and receive the result. In this post, we’ll walk you through how to use the tool to test an origin server’s response.


Compute: The JavaScript Support you Demanded | Fastly

Sean Leach

With JavaScript now available for WebAssembly and Compute, you can get started faster than ever with a language you already know, while ensuring the speed and security you need in a serverless build environment.

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How to configure your Fastly services with Terraform

Mark McDonnell

As you start to build more at the edge, it becomes ever more important to deploy edge logic in the same way you deploy changes to your own applications and infrastructure. Today, we’ll take a step back and look holistically at how to configure, manage, and deploy Fastly services using Terraform.

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How to test site speed optimizations with Compute

Leon Brocard

In this post, we show how to test site speed modifications before implementing them using Compute and WebPageTest, a web performance tool that uses real browsers, to compare web performance between the original and transformed page versions.


Minimizing ossification risk is everyone’s responsibility

Mark Nottingham

Building protocols in a way that anticipates future change in order to prevent ossification is critical. Because it’s impossible to upgrade everyone on the internet at the same time; it needs to be possible to introduce changes gradually, without harming communication where only one party understands the change — and this is everyone’s responsibility.

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