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Is it time for ECDSA certificates?
For 40 years, RSA certificates have been the industry standard for Transport Layer Security (TLS). But we’re seeing a shift – especially as the prevalence of high-traffic cyber attacks continues to grow.
TLS Key Size: Why Bigger isn't Always Better | Fastly
TLS key size has a recommended length of 2048 bits, but that does not mean you can not go bigger or smaller. In this post, we explore the various TLS key sizes by examining the function of the TLS certificate and the cryptographic operations used by TLS.
Data visualization for accessibility
At Fastly, we always strive to do the right thing. That’s why we’re introducing a more accessible data visualization color palette as part of our Edge Observer product.
Introducing WebSocket Support for all Fastly customers!
Today, Fastly announces support for WebSockets on Delivery and Compute services in General Availability!
Fast Forward: Let’s build the good internet together
We believe in an internet that is free, open, and safe for all. And we believe the only way to get there is if we all build and nurture it. Together.
Building a Collaborative Internet
The most powerful thing about the internet isn’t the technology it's built on; it’s the people building and using it.
Syntax highlight Fastly VCL files in Visual Studio Code
With Fastly’s new Visual Studio Code extension, Fastly Varnish Configuration Language (VCL), you can now syntax highlight Fastly VCL code.
Announcing Rate Limiting Expansion for Next-Gen WAF
Today we’re excited to announce an expansion of advanced rate limiting rules, increased blocking durations, and removal of limitations on non-IP client identifiers in the Fastly Next-Gen WAF.
Astro on the Edge in under 2 minutes with Fastly
Did you know you can easily serve static sites from the edge with Fastly? Here’s how to get an Astro site published on Fastly’s Compute for free in less than 2 minutes.
DIY Platforms Need Right Partners | Fastly
Following years of growth, IP broadcasting—aka "streaming"—has become the largest content channel, surpassing both cable and broadcast accounting in July and reaching 35% of viewers in August, according to Nielsen.
Using Client Hints to Detect Disparities
Learn how User-Agent Client Hints work, explore privacy-related features and concerns, and how the partial adoption and incompleteness of this emerging standard can be used to detect behavior disparities.
Gatsby on the Edge in under 2 minutes with Fastly
Did you know you can easily serve static sites from the edge with Fastly? Here’s how to get a Gatsby site published on Fastly’s Compute for free in less than 2 minutes.
Seven Ways to Deploy Fastly’s Next-Gen WAF in Kubernetes
DevOps teams adopt new tools and frameworks like application containers and Kubernetes, a container orchestration system, to more efficiently and quickly build and release applications.
Top 8 Ways We Support Our Next-Gen WAF Customers
From user experience and thorough documentation to a dedicated research team, Fastly is committed to providing high-quality support to our customers.
Secure multi-cloud environments: Enterprise journey to the cloud
As organizations go through a digital transformation of their processes and how they engage with their customers, they are often ready for a multi-cloud environment.
Use edge shielding for better performance | Fastly
Fastly’s shielding can minimize origin load, improve availability and resiliency, and reduce operational costs associated with origin infrastructure.
Introducing the Redesigned Fastly Status Page
The Fastly status page is unveiling a new design and enhanced functionality, including information on more products, as well as improved preferences on customer view, subscriptions, and notifications.
Enhancing Web App User Experience
Use these 8 ways to improve user experience to make sure your web applications are performing at their best.
Google BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Pub/Sub access management | Fastly
Today we are excited to announce support for Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Limited Availability across our Google Logging endpoints Google BigQuery, Cloud Storage, and Pub/Sub.
The Signals Series, Part 2: Diving into System Signals
Today we want to dive into the capabilities of system signals and how our wide range of signals provides customers with the most comprehensive out-of-the-box application protection.