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Pro Tips: Next-Gen WAF Mastery
Learn how you can use your next-gen WAF effectively, along with best practices.
Future security trends for 2022/2023 | Fastly
The world changed when the pandemic hit in 2020, leaving organizations unsure of how it would affect the future. Security leaders may have found themselves wondering if their long-standing business approaches, processes, and tools could withstand the changes brought on by the pandemic.
Evolved terms for data processing | Fastly
At Fastly, we work hard to stay ahead of legal changes that affect our customers. It’s always our goal to help customers stay confident and compliant, as seamlessly as possible.
Compute: Go support has arrived!
Fastly’s Compute platform enables customers to build high scale, globally distributed applications and execute code at the edge using popular languages such as Rust and JavaScript. Now you can use Go too!
A closer look at low latency delivery
Latency — the lag between when the packet leaves the streaming source and when it arrives at the consumer’s device — takes many forms, with the most common being lag, dropped frames, buffering, and with that reduced video quality.
OpenTelemetry Part 3: Using OpenTelemetry in Compute
Our first OpenTelemetry library for Compute is now available, enabling your Compute application to generate spec-compliant traces, providing deeper insights about its performance and resources. In this post I'll show you how easy it is to add this support to an edge application.
What is TLS Fingerprinting?| Fastly
TLS fingerprinting has become a prevalent tool to help security defenders identify what clients are talking to their server infrastructure.
Five ways to make your CDN work harder for you
There are many more well-documented reasons to make a CDN part of your distribution. In this blog post we examine some lesser-known rationales to help you scale and improve your business.
Serverless Swift with Compute@Edge by Andrew Barba | Fastly
Recently Andrew Barba, the engineer behind Swift Cloud, released a highly performant and fully featured Swift SDK for our Compute platform. And he built the initial release in just four days, to boot! Understandably impressed, we sat down with Andrew to learn about his goals and build process for the project.
Live sports delivery challenges conquered | Fastly
With zero tolerance for rebuffering and streams that scale from zero to massive in no time, the stakes are unusually high, making live sport the most demanding content type to deliver, requiring both flexibility and resiliency.
OpenTelemetry Part 2: Using OpenTelemetry in VCL
We're starting to get excited about OpenTelemetry, and want you to be able to observe your Fastly services just like you do with apps running in your core cloud provider — and see the stories of your end user's journeys mapped end to end. VCL services can emit OpenTelemetry data, and be part of that story.
Get App & Infrastructure Visibility with Inspectors | Fastly
We are excited to launch two new great visibility products into general availability - Origin and Domain Inspector! Observe origin performance or domain traffic with ease! Find out more in this blog post announcement.
Four reasons you should try Fastly’s Image Optimizer
Major brands with strong web presences like The Guardian and Big Cartel rely on Image Optimizer to serve pixel-perfect images on the fly. Here are four reasons why you should try it out too.
The Signals Series, Part 1: Exploring Custom Signals
Traditional web application firewalls (WAFs) were created to stop malicious traffic from reaching your origin servers, which served its purpose well during an internet age of HTML and PNGs.
Write less, do more at the edge: Introducing expressly
Do you ever wish Compute@Edge worked like the framework you already know? Now it does. We just launched expressly, a lightweight and minimalist routing layer for JavaScript apps running on Fastly's Compute@Edge, and inspired by the popular Node.js framework, Express.
OpenTelemetry Part 1: Making the Edge less distant
One of the main reasons you use Fastly is that we are close to your end users, able to respond in a few milliseconds. But that can also make it feel like Fastly is "outside" your system, "in front". To feel like Fastly is truly part of your application architecture, you need to observe your whole system at the same time, in one place. OpenTelemetry is a new standard that can help.
ESI and the story of libraries built for the edge
Traditionally, content delivery networks have been built upon a proprietary core product which is supported by equally proprietary add-ons such as image optimization and content filtering. Fastly has always done a bit better than this – from the beginning, building our network on the Varnish cache gave our customers the ability to fully program how requests were served at the edge. However, the constraints of VCL, the domain-specific language used to configure Varnish, meant that you were limited to only the features that we chose to offer.
Unlocking Real-Time at the Edge
We are excited to announce that we have made big strides integrating Fanout into Fastly. We recently announced that Fastly has acquired Fanout in order to unlock real-time web features on our scalable, WASM-based Compute@Edge, our serverless compute offering. Our first step was to add WebSockets support to our Compute@Edge platform.
Private Access Tokens: A CAPTCHA-less future | Fastly
At its core, Private Access Tokens present a privacy-respecting, anti-fraud and authorization framework. This blog post provides an overview of what it does and how developers can try it out with Fastly and Apple today.
Fastly Wins 2 Cybersecurity Awards | Fastly
The RSA Conference (#RSAC) is here again, and we at Fastly couldn’t be more excited. It’s the first time the world-leading conference has been in-person since 2020, and we are thrilled to be reunited with friends, colleagues, and the entire security industry at San Francisco’s Moscone Center. And we’re excited for more than just who we’ll see and what we’ll learn at RSAC. During cybersecurity’s biggest week, Fastly has been honored with two industry awards.