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Test Compute@Edge locally for efficient development | Fastly
Last month, we announced that local testing is now available for Compute. In this blog post, we'll tell you how it works and show you an example.
New: Compute local testing
Compute local testing gives you the flexibility to run your work-in-progress applications locally on your laptops, servers, or CI systems, in an environment similar to production, but without the deployment time and process.
How to test site speed optimizations with Compute
In this post, we show how to test site speed modifications before implementing them using Compute and WebPageTest, a web performance tool that uses real browsers, to compare web performance between the original and transformed page versions.
Cranelift vetted for secure sandboxing in Compute@Edge | Fastly
Alongside the Bytecode Alliance, Fastly’s WebAssembly team recently led a rigorous security assessment of Cranelift, an open-source, next-generation code generator for use in WebAssembly to provide sandbox security functionality.
Building on top of OAuth at the edge
Authentication is one of the most obvious uses for edge computing. Understanding who your users are as early and as close as possible to their location yields powerful customizations and speedy responses. But there's more than one way to think about how to apply an authentication scheme at the edge.
PayPal: secure payments at the edge | Fastly
Online payments giant PayPal uses Fastly’s edge platform to deliver a more secure, faster, and more reliable user experience at a time when digital payments are surging.
Introducing GitHub Actions for Compute
GitHub Actions for Compute allow you to transition from a manually deployed application to a fully automated deployment workflow with ease and wrap the Fastly CLI to provide an easy way to keep your application up to date.
New ways to compose content at the edge with Compute
It's always been possible to create content programmatically, and with the advent of our serverless compute environment, we've made it possible to create and transform content more efficiently and powerfully than ever before.
Compute: porting the iconic video game DOOM
id Software’s DOOM has become one of the most-ported games in history. It felt like a perfect project to port to Compute, built on our serverless compute environment, to experiment with different applications of the product.
Compute@Edge: Serverless Insights by Company | Fastly
Vox Media, Mux, and PerimeterX share how Compute is unlocking performance, agility, and creativity across their organizations.
Simplifying authentication with OAuth at the edge
The basic concept of performing authentication and then using identity data to make authorization decisions is something that applies to a large majority of web and native apps. Doing this at the edge offers some very significant advantages to both developers and end users.
Compute Log Tailing for better observability and debugging | Fastly
Compute Log Tailing allows developers on the Fastly Computer@Edge platform to quickly iterate on and debug their services by getting near-real-time feedback via stdout/stderr output.
Designing Edge-Native Applications | Fastly
Become "edge-native" in your next project and seamlessly run multiple instances concurrently and be prepared for the server-less world.
Porting JavaScript (or TypeScript) to AssemblyScript
In this post, we’ll show you how AssemblyScript and JavaScript are closely related with a deep dive into the process of porting common JavaScript applications to AssemblyScript and the considerations that come along with it.
API Focus for Commerce Companies
As commerce companies embark on their digital transformation journeys, headless architecture is a hot topic. Here are five ways a modern CDN can deliver on the promise of headless commerce.
Serving Dynamic Content with a Modern CDN
Using a powerful, modern CDN that provides instant cache invalidation and real-time analytics allows for edge-first application architectures that improve personalization, performance, and protection.
The power of serverless, 72 times over
Serverless technology has been making developers’ lives easier for years, but those benefits had yet to extend to end users. This is the true promise of edge serverless — enabling developers to solve for both operational overhead and a performant, consistent user experience, simultaneously.
Meet AssemblyScript: your next computing language
AssemblyScript is a variant of TypeScript that produces WebAssembly binaries, the binary format that powers Fastly’s Compute@Edge. It’s a new technology supported by all major browsers, and relative to JavaScript, it offers predictable performance, making WebAssembly well suited for computationally intensive tasks. Let’s dig in on why AssemblyScript is your next computing language.
Deploying network error logging with Compute
We’ve been experimenting with Network Error Logging with Fastly Insights and discovered that processing the NEL reports is a great use case for Compute. In this post, we’ll look at our first attempt to build a NEL reporting pipeline, discuss where there was potential for optimization, and how Compute solves these problems while introducing performance and security improvements along the way.
Apps That Shouldn’t Be Built at the Edge | Fastly
Progressive developers are increasingly using the edge of the network to power more performant and customized apps. With the use cases mounting, it seems there's very little that can't be built at the edge. And aside from a few exceptions, that just might be true.