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February 8, 2021
Compute Log Tailing allows developers on the Fastly Computer@Edge platform to quickly iterate on and debug their services by getting near-real-time feedback via stdout/stderr output.
February 8, 2021
Nearly everything we know about building web applications and APIs has changed in the last few decades. So why hasn't security? We argue it's time for a new approach to web app and API…
January 27, 2021
We’ve overhauled our developer solutions content, adding two new content formats and reorganizing our popular recipes and solution patterns. Meet our new code examples, tutorials, demos, and…
January 26, 2021
The inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris was unique for many reasons, not the least of which was the lack of crowds due to the COVID-19 pandemic and increased…
January 20, 2021
See the 4 ways startups use CDNs to hit their goals and our list of recommended CDN providers.
January 11, 2021
QUIC is a secure low-latency transport layer protocol that is commonly known as the transport protocol of HTTP/3. Here, we’ll discuss how we added support for QLog, an incremental QUIC…
January 8, 2021
With high quality-of-experience expectations around live-streaming events, no content owner can afford not to have the right plan in place. Here are the crucial steps to take when planning…
January 6, 2021
Fastly introduces Precision Path to address short-lived network congestion issues, for improved protection from transient provider issues for origin server requests, and a more robust…
December 30, 2020
Developers and builders around the world stepped up to meet the moment in a variety of ways in 2020. We’re humbled to be both a witness and enabler for how they supported their organizations…
December 28, 2020
Low-latency live streaming is more relevant than ever. New user experiences, like quizzes and real-time voting, built around content and entertainment must be available with little to no…
December 23, 2020
Become "edge-native" in your next project and seamlessly run multiple instances concurrently and be prepared for the server-less world.
December 21, 2020
In this post, we’ll show you how AssemblyScript and JavaScript are closely related with a deep dive into the process of porting common JavaScript applications to AssemblyScript and the…

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