

Fastly Packages Just Got an Upgrade

Dom Soegono

Senior Product Manager - Observability, Fastly

Delen Trance

Product Marketing Manager, Fastly

Our first simplified packaging launch allowed customers to buy multiple features under one product package, which makes monthly billing and costs predictable. Today, we're following through on that commitment to continue to expand and build out the features and values in our packages – without jacking up the reasonable price points. What does that mean for our current customers who have purchased a package?

More great features and no additional fees.

Our packages were already pretty great, but how are we making them even better? By including WebSockets and Mutual TLS (mTLS) in all Network Services packages. With our mTLS service, Fastly provides enhanced security against man-in-the-middle attacks, which occur when a third party intercepts the communication between the client and the server and impersonates one of the parties.

With WebSockets support on Fastly, package customers can try a protocol that allows you to establish long-lived, two-way, interactive communication sessions between an end user's client (such as a web browser) and your servers.

Compute Packaging just got an upgrade

Already a Compute package customer? The new packages will now provide Secret Store, a global secrets management solution that helps you extend protected access to your origins, applications, and other resources on the Fastly edge. 

Secret Stores provides a state-of-the-art solution for encryption and securely storing/retrieving the sensitive information you need to properly operate your Fastly services. Place a secret in a Fastly Secret Store and read it from a Fastly Compute service. It’s durable, fast, and simple.

Now Available: Observability Packages

Observability is crucial to our customers and that’s why we made attaining it even easier – no matter the size of your organization. Logging, tracing, metrics, and alerts have always been a cornerstone of our Delivery products. Today, we’re pleased to announce that our Observability solutions are available to be purchased as a simplified package.  

Edge Observer, now in general availability, is the entry point for all of our Observability features in a single, unified interface that provides both real-time and historic metric views at the account, service, and product-line levels. We built Edge Observer to simplify and provide customers the flexibility to create their own views to extract insights within the Fastly app. Use default views to gain visibility, delve deeper using our detailed pages, run a live tail view of compute logs, or pull together a custom view and share seamlessly across the organization.

We’re excited to announce another feature that is now in general availability, Alerts. With Fastly Alerts, we bring automated alerting capabilities directly into the Fastly platform so that your team will be notified when components of your infrastructure or application encounter issues with performance and reliability. Observe metrics defined within our historical stats API and receive alert notifications when critical metrics go out of bounds. Alert messages can be integrated and sent to third-party destinations such as: Slack, Pagerduty, New Relic, and Microsoft Teams.

To make these packages truly available to any organization looking to improve their tech stack. We are also adding another level to the packaging plans perfectly suited for small and mid-size businesses. The Network Services Basic package will include these newly added Network Services features.

Commitment to Continued Improvement

Fastly product packages will continue to grow in value with each product release. This is just the first expansion of our simplified packaging and it won’t be the last. We plan on continuing to include more features in the future, which means more value to you (and still at no extra cost)!

If you’re still unsure about jumping in, despite all these great benefits, you can get started with our free tier. Create an account and run up to two domains for free, no credit card required. You get access to free, lighting-fast delivery and get a glimpse into why Fastly is powering the best of the internet.