Release Notes RSS

Q4 2018

In Q4, we released several new features in general availability (GA) and limited availability (LA). We also brought online three new POPs, bringing our total global number of Fastly POPs to 57 and bringing our total connected edge capacity to 37.5 Tbps.

Q3 2018

In Q3, we added an assortment of new features and increased the size of our network. We introduced functionality to further enhance security at scale, decrease time to first byte for large and encrypted files, add basic effects to images, and more. We also brought our total global number of Fastly POPs to 54, along with 26 Tbps of connected network capacity. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to last quarter.

Q1'18 - Q2'18

In Q2, we added several new offerings and expanded our network. We introduced Fastly Quick Value packages, rolled out a new dashboard for WAF, added image montage functionality to our Image Optimizer, and made several user management enhancements. We also brought our total global number of Fastly POPs to 51 along with 22 Tbps of connected network capacity. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to last quarter.

Q4'17 - Q1'18

In Q1, we released a number of new features and made considerable expansions to our global network. We introduced two new user interfaces, added confirmations to service rollbacks, implemented new customer support initiatives, and more, all while adding new POPs in Canada, Chile, and India. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to last quarter.

Q3'17 - Q4'17

In Q4, we added several new features and expanded our network before taking a much-needed break for the holidays. New features include enhancements to video capabilities (HEVC), security (WAF update), and user management, and more, plus new POPs in South Africa, Japan, and North America. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to last quarter.

Q2'17 - Q3'17

In Q3, we were excited to launch some new products and features — including our Media Shield, which is already saving customers up to 75% on infrastructure costs — to help you make the most of our edge cloud network. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to last quarter.

Q1'17 - Q2'17

In Q2 2017, we reached 13 Tbps of global capacity, added POPs in Newark, Chicago, and Johannesburg, and launched three new services on the Fastly edge cloud network: the Fastly Image Optimizer, Load Balancer, and Web Application Firewall (WAF).

Q4’16 - Q1’17

In Q1 2017, we reached 10 Tbps of global capacity, added POPs in Madrid and Montreal, and released several new features, including IPv6 support, geolocation updates, and enhancements to our logging endpoints.

Q3 2016 - Q4 2016

This quarter, we launched our Managed CDN offering, added new POPs, and increased our network bandwidth capacity by 40%.

Q2 2016 - Q3 2016

This quarter, we doubled our cache server capacity at several key POPs around the United States, and updated several features, including logging endpoints, video, and updates to our routing platform.

Q1 2016 - Q2 2016

Over the past three months, we’ve increased network capacity by 40% through a variety of transit augments and new public and private interconnection arrangements and we've also focused on augments to our cache server footprints across the United States.

Q4 2015 - Q1 2016

Compared to the madness of the holiday season, this quarter has been a relatively quiet one, with the exception of the Super Bowl. Over the last quarter, we've deployed hardware upgrades to eastern and central North America. This work represents a capacity increase of 16% of our global footprint, with more hardware caching augments in the works to improve performance. We've also added several new features, including Audit Logs, the Magento 1 Extension, and log streaming to Google Cloud Storage.

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