Release Notes RSS

Q4 2024

We're excited to announce significant feature launches and enhancements this quarter, designed to elevate user experience across our platform. Our latest releases address critical areas of security, observability, storage, and AI acceleration. Key updates include the general availability of DDoS Protection for robust security against application-level attacks, Log Explorer & Insights for enhanced observability, Object Storage for cost-effective large file management, and AI Accelerator for optimizing LLM API performance. These offerings reflect our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that address our customers' evolving needs. Let's explore how these new features can benefit your operations.

T3 2024

Ce trimestre, nous sommes ravis de présenter un vaste éventail de fonctionnalités et d’améliorations inédites, conçues pour transformer votre expérience sur l’ensemble de la plateforme. Les dernières nouveautés couvrent de nombreux domaines, notamment les services réseau avec la disponibilité généralisée de MASQUE Relay, ainsi que la disponibilité limitée de notre API (Application Programming Interface) HTTP Cache pour Compute. Nous avons également apporté des améliorations significatives à la sécurité, en introduisant l’intégration simplifiée du WAF de nouvelle génération et l’ajout de Security Starter Package. En ce qui concerne l’expérience produit, nous sommes heureux de présenter les améliorations apportées à la recherche et une navigation mise à jour. Enfin, nous avons repensé nos processus d’essai avec des versions d’essai pour les gammes de produits. Ces améliorations s’inscrivent dans notre engagement envers l’offre d’une confidentialité optimisée, de flux de travail simplifiés et de capacités de tests encore plus flexibles. Penchons-nous maintenant plus en détail sur chacune de ces nouvelles options passionnantes !

T1 2024

Ce trimestre, nos équipes de production se sont attelées au développement d’améliorations et de nouvelles fonctionnalités passionnantes. Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer l’arrivée de la fonctionnalité de compression du contenu dynamique pour la distribution et le traitement, de la fonctionnalité Edge Rate Limiting et de la prise en charge du Secret Store pour le traitement. Notre suite d’observabilité étend ses capacités avec le lancement des fonctionnalités Alertes et Edge Observer. Nous avons également amélioré le rate limiting avancé pour le déploiement du WAF (pare-feu d’applications web) de nouvelle génération à la périphérie, et vous pouvez désormais essayer Image Optimizer directement à partir du panneau de commande de Fastly. Découvrez la liste complète des nouveautés ci-dessous !

T2 2024

Ce trimestre, nous avons tout mis en œuvre pour améliorer notre plateforme en proposant de nouveaux produits et fonctionnalités passionnants ! Parmi les nouveautés majeures, vous découvrirez notamment une nouvelle solution de gestion des bots et la version bêta d’AI Accelerator de Fastly, qui permet l’amélioration des performances des IA doublée d’une rentabilité accrue. Découvrez la liste complète des nouveautés ci-dessous !

Q4 2023

Another exciting end to the year with new releases that offer greater protections and insights. This quarter, our Security team was hard at work with new ease-of-use improvements including Simplified Attack Signal Thresholds GA, Agent Improvements, and a new NGWAF Simulator that allows customers to test and verify that WAF rules will work as expected. With the Out-of-Band Anomaly Signal release, customers can more easily identify potential attacks and probes. On the Compute front we have introduced a new logging interface to make it easier to troubleshoot and obtain performance metrics. We also made additional Config Stores available for purchase making it even easier to store and update configuration data at the edge. Finally, the Fastly Control Panel has been revamped to facilitate how customers interact with the Fastly platform.

Q3 2023

Fall is finally here, but we’re still excited about our hot releases from summer! This quarter, Network Services introduced a range of new features aimed at boosting TLS security and real-time messaging. Among these enhancements are the Certainly GA, Fanout GA, and ECDSA Fallback GA. On the Compute front, we're thrilled to offer increased capabilities with the introduction of new storage, authentication, and enhanced language support options, including KV Store GA, Simple Cache API LA, mTLS for Compute GA, and the Standard Go Compiler GA. Our Security team has been hard at work rolling out updates including Next-Gen WAF GraphQL Edge Deployment GA and Next-Gen Aggregated Attack Thresholds GA.

Q2 2023

We’re heading into summer with some of our hottest releases yet! This quarter, Network Services introduced a range of new features aimed at boosting your web performance and fortifying your security. Among these enhancements are the Image Optimizer Metadata Passthrough GA, Mutual TLS GA, and OHTTP Relay GA. On the Compute front, we're thrilled to offer increased flexibility with the introduction of new storage and support options, including Config Store GA, KV Store LA, and WebSockets GA support. Our Security team has been hard at work rolling out updates that empower you to combat volumetric attacks and classify response codes through Edge Rate Limiting GA and Custom Response Code Expansion GA. In the realm of Observability, we're delighted to unveil the Compute@Edge Log-Tail user interface LA, offering enhanced insights into your data, along with the Edge Observer public beta now available to all customers.

Q1 2023

This quarter our teams concentrated on Fanout LA and Brotli that helps enable user data privacy, messaging at the edge and compression. Free TLS services are now included in our free developer accounts. On the security front, a new Managed Security Service ensures your websites and applications are protected for Next-Gen WAF customers. High performance edge storage is now offered as part of Compute@Edge and you can host Remix applications on our Compute platform.

Q4 2022

Ending the year out strong, our product portfolio has grown to include even more network services, security, and observability capabilities. On the security side, Next-Gen WAF now supports Log4Shell attack signal within SmartParse and GraphQL by default to keep up with the evolving threat landscape. To protect against DDoS attacks TLS Support ECSDA Certificates are now available in the Fastly UI. For network services, Automation Tokens and customer headers for health checks entered general availability. These features both streamline service management workflows. Two new features, Websockets and Image Optimizer self-enablement are also available in the Fastly console. Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and Pub/Sub logging endpoints now do not require saving service keys in the FAstly app, so customers can manage temporary credentials for logging endpoint configuration.

Q3 2022

This quarter our teams concentrated on Fastly Next-Gen WAF, Cloud WAF, and Image Optimizer capabilities. Along with our Next-Gen WAF edge deployment reaching general availability (GA) in the Essentials package, customers can also enjoy the additions of CVE signals and Log Sampling Time Series improvements. Our integration with AWS Lambda enables developers to start a Lambda function to activate the Fastly Next-Gen WAF agent. Our next-gen WAF cloud deployment now supports multi-origin workspace and will continue to do so for all new instances moving forward. Fastly’s Image Optimizer continues to reduce infrastructure costs and improve end-user experience by supporting AVIF format, a new image format meant for compression and lightning quick delivery.

Q2 2022

As the weather heats up, so does our product portfolio. Observability has been a top priority and we are proud to announce Origin Inspector and Domain Inspector in General Availability, which can be self-enabled straight from the Fastly UI. On the security front, Fastly Next-Gen WAF Edge Deployment is now in GA and CVE signals are also available for Essential Plan customers. Our long time product, Image Optimizer, also got a tune up and now offers feature trim-color, which adds a border to an image without sacrificing end-user performance. Last but not least, JavaScript SDK has been added to Compute@Edge’s supported languages.

Q1 2022

The new year is in full swing with our Q1 releases. Fastly continues to play a leading role in defining the future of the internet, including HTTP/3 & QUIC, the next version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol which we now support. On the security side the Fastly Next-Gen WAF (powered by Signal Sciences) can now be deployed at the Fastly edge. Other security releases include custom response codes in GA and agent support for Arm-based devices in LA. GraphQL Inspection has also reached limited availability and can be combined with Fastly Next-Gen WAF (powered by Signal Sciences) to provide more API coverage. Lastly Fastly 101 is live in our documentation where customers can follow project-based tutorials.

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