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December 23, 2020
Become "edge-native" in your next project and seamlessly run multiple instances concurrently and be prepared for the server-less world.
December 16, 2020
We want to help you build the best user experiences confidently, securely, and quickly in the face of any challenge — and our 2021 product vision is designed with this in mind. Let’s dig in…
December 15, 2020
Andrew Betts, Fastly’s Principal Developer Advocate, gets technical with Spread Group Senior Software Architect, Martin Breest, digging into his team’s creative use of chatbots and A/B…
December 7, 2020
Using a powerful, modern CDN that provides instant cache invalidation and real-time analytics allows for edge-first application architectures that improve personalization, performance, and…
December 4, 2020
In this developer spotlight, we talk to Dora Militaru about her story and thoughts on the tech industry, as well as glean sage advice and inspiration for developers, hiring managers, and…
December 1, 2020
The TLS Support Engineering team provides support for customers managing one to thousands of certificates. After helping so many customers tailor their DNS and TLS configurations, they have…
November 11, 2020
Serverless technology has been making developers’ lives easier for years, but those benefits had yet to extend to end users. This is the true promise of edge serverless — enabling developers…
November 10, 2020
Working together, Epsagon and Adobe’s Project Helix team built a very cool integration that uses clever parsing of Fastly VCL to generate tracing statements showing what variables have been…
November 9, 2020
Gone are the days of maintaining separate credentials for multiple accounts. Multi Account User Access allows you to log in to multiple Fastly customer accounts with a single set of…
November 4, 2020
Many people think that the 103 Early Hints HTTP status code can help web performance in certain situations, but we won’t know until we get data about it, and without that data, browsers won…
October 28, 2020
Now running production traffic, Compute takes a leap forward in delivering on the promise of highly performant, secure, and globally distributed serverless computing with the introduction of…
October 26, 2020
Serverless solutions are good news for developers, but they can cause plenty of headaches, including cold starts, regional latency, and a lack of observability. Compute, Fastly’s serverless…

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