Celebrating our recognition as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Edge Delivery Services 2024, Fastly remains dedicated to empowering developers with cutting-edge solutions.
We’re excited to announce free developer accounts. You can instantly get started and take advantage of the most developer-friendly edge platform in the world.
The White House and Office of the National Cyber Director called for the adoption of memory safe languages, and we see a way for existing code be more memory safe as well.
Fastly now offers support for the standard Go compiler for the Go SDK v1 on Fastly Compute. Developers can now unlock more possibilities for app development.
Fastly’s Compute platform enables customers to build high scale, globally distributed applications and execute code at the edge using popular languages such as Rust and JavaScript. Now you…
Our first OpenTelemetry library for Compute is now available, enabling your Compute application to generate spec-compliant traces, providing deeper insights about its performance and…
There are many more well-documented reasons to make a CDN part of your distribution. In this blog post we examine some lesser-known rationales to help you scale and improve your business.