Jason Evans
Director Product | Managing Director - NYC
Jason Evans is the Director of Product, Delivery as well as Managing Director of Fastly New York. Prior to Fastly, he co-founded Stackpop, an infrastructure-focused start-up, in 2011. Jason spent the previous 13 years building, scaling, and managing infrastructure teams at companies like MediaMath, Panther Express CDN, and GLG.
IPv6 at Fastly
Jason Evans
As Fastly CEO Artur Bergman has [said](https://www.fastly.com/blog/support-http2), “We will always insist that every component of the Fastly platform is fully integrated – we don't limit features to subsets of our network.” We take the time to fully integrate standardized protocols and technologies like [HTTP/2](https://www.fastly.com/blog/http2-now-general-availability) and IPv6 into our stack, and maintain the standards our customers have come to expect. Here’s our story of the evolution of IPv6 at Fastly — and how to implement it.
HTTP/2 is now in General Availability
Jason Evans
We’re pleased to announce that HTTP/2 is now in General Availability. Our implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol supports all of the standard protocol features, which will deliver a host of benefits to our customers.
Announcing Limited Availability for IPv6
Jason Evans
Our Limited Availability program for IPv6 is here! Here’s how you sign up.
Announcing Limited Availability for HTTP/2
Jason Evans
As promised in March of this year, we are excited to announce that our HTTP/2 Limited Availability (LA) program is here. Here’s how you get started.
Improvements to Edge Dictionaries
Jason Evans
We’re continuing to build on our unique ability to push your logic and decisions to the edge, and are happy to announce some exciting enhancements to our Edge Dictionaries. Our latest improvements include Upsert functionality as well as the ability to make bulk updates and issue patch commands.
Edge Dictionaries for Faster Decision Making | Fastly
Jason Evans
We’re always seeking ways to give our customers more control at the edge. With this in mind, we’re excited to announce Edge Dictionaries, which give you the ability to create readable key/value pairs using our API.
Understanding Your End User with Performance Monitoring
Jason Evans
End users are consumers who will use a service, and monitoring their performance is often overlooked. See how monitoring performance of end users improves user experience.