Hooman Beheshti
VP of Technology, Fastly
Hooman Beheshti is VP of Technology at Fastly, where he develops web performance services. A pioneer in the application acceleration space, Hooman helped design one of the original load balancers while at Radware and has held senior technology positions with Strangeloop Networks and Crescendo Networks. He’s been developing the core technologies that make the Internet work faster for nearly 20 years and is an expert and frequent speaker on the subjects of load balancing, application performance, and content delivery networks.
Lies, stats, debunking Cloudflare | Fastly
Andrew Betts, Laura Thomson, + 1 more
A couple of weeks ago Cloudflare, one of our competitors, claimed that their edge compute platform is roughly three times as fast as Compute@Edge. The false claim is a great example of how statistics can be used to mislead.
User error logs collected | Fastly
Hooman Beheshti
Network error logging reports client-side failures and successes, enabling developers to understand how their sites function in the real world and how they might improve performance. In this post, we’ll explore the NEL framework, how it provides visibility, and ways to collect and process the resulting data.
Supercharging Server Timing with HTTP trailers
Hooman Beheshti, Dragana Damjanovic
Server Timing is a great mechanism for collecting new performance metrics in the browser. Fastly and Firefox have teamed up to make them even more powerful by adding support for using Server Timing with HTTP trailers.
Optimizing HTTP/2 server push with Fastly
Hooman Beheshti
Since we made HTTP/2 generally available in November 2016, h2 traffic has been steadily growing as more customers migrate to the new version of the protocol; since the beginning of 2017, h2 traffic has increased by over 400% and h2 requests now make up more than 25% of the total requests on Fastly’s network. HTTP/2 has numerous practical implications, but in this post we’ll focus on server push, which can save on round trip request time. Here’s how you can get the most out of server push with Fastly.
Cache hit ratios at the edge: a performance study
Hooman Beheshti
In an earlier post, we discussed the meaning of cache hit ratio (CHR) and analyzed what the metric is and isn’t telling us, showing why we really need two different CHR metrics (CHR-edge and CHR-global) to fully understand how a CDN is serving your clients. In this post, we’ll analyze CHR-edge by way of a discussion about performance measurement via testing.
The truth about cache hit ratios
Hooman Beheshti
Cache hit ratio is a common metric that evaluates a CDN's performance. Learn more about how to improve your cache hit ratio.
Beacon termination at the edge
Hooman Beheshti
Using a CDN for beacon termination at the edge has gotten a lot of attention, in part because edge termination for beacons is cool; but it’s mostly because beaconing applications are becoming more popular and they involve a lot of components, deployed at scale, to accommodate proper data collection.
Extending your application to the edge with Fastly
Hooman Beheshti
We often say that Fastly can easily become an extension of your app — there are three major components that make this possible: caching, control, and visibility.
Leveraging your CDN to cache "uncacheable" content
Hooman Beheshti
As I've written about before, there is a growing class of content called “event-driven content” that may appear dynamic, but isn’t. Even though caching this type of content is more difficult, it’s possible to cache it with the right tools — although you might have been told otherwise. In doing so, you can leverage the power of caching in new ways and reap the benefits that come along with it.
The Rise of Event-Driven Content
Hooman Beheshti
In this post and going forward, we’re going to take a step back, talk about the different types of content our customers are dealing with the most, and discuss how cacheable or uncacheable they are.