Fastly Platform

Fastly vs Cloudflare: A Competitive Comparison


Get superior support, real-time content control, and boost performance and security on our global network, all without any billing surprises. Learn how Fastly stacks up against Cloudflare below.


90% stat

約90%のお客様が完全にブロックモードで Fastly Next-Gen WAF を使用*

6x stat

Gartner® Peer Insights™ による2024年の「Voice of the Customer」のクラウド WAAP 部門にて6年連続で選出**

Top reasons to move from Cloudflare to Fastly

  • Performance: Fastly’s modern network is built for efficiency, with high capacity, high throughput POPs that keep more in cache for longer resulting in faster TTFB, lower latency, and lower cost.

  • Configurability: Fastly provides more custom configuration options than any other provider, allowing you to fine-tune CDN settings to optimize performance. This includes the ability to instantly purge stale content - 150 ms on global average*** with Instant Purge™.

  • Reliability: We strive to ensure network resilience. We are constantly fortifying our network, control plane, and data plane to maintain an increased durability.

  • Added value: We provide the full power of our platform for all customers, regardless of contract tiers. We don’t gate features like load balancing, traffic acceleration via smart routing or keep alive connections, plus you get 100% of streaming logs in real-time.

  • Improved security posture: Fastly Next-Gen WAF and Bot Management solutions use our own SmartParse detection engine for more accurate detection, lowest possible false positives, and a precision-based tuning process.

  • Superior support: Fastly delivers superior customer support with a CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) score of 98%****, direct access to our deeply knowledgeable support team and rapid response times, including a Slack option.

  • No billing surprises: Whether it’s a major ecommerce storefront launch or a volumetric DDoS attack, we’ll work with you on the right billing approach based on current and anticipated volume, rather than pushing for contract upgrades or kicking you off our network.

How Fastly stacks up against Cloudflare


より優れたネットワークへ移行しませんか可能な限りスムーズに移行できるよう Fastlyサポートします。

Hear what our customers have to say

Uptime was at 96%, a concern for how Linktree would cope with traffic spikes. After deploying the Fastly CDN, overnight Linktree’s uptime surged to 99.999%, putting the platform in a much better position to prepare for the unexpected.


“When we change Fastly configs, we look at the error logs - if we break something we can just roll it back with Fastly versioning. Fastly fits into our process because when we ship out a new config, it takes effect almost immediately. Moving quickly is a huge deal for us, and we’re able to do that with Fastly. The UI format gives us confidence because we can see literally everything that is happening.”

Alan Schaaf, Founder and CEO, Imgur

"Because I'm an engineer, if I have questions they are usually pretty technical. It's a joy to work with support people that get the technical questions I have. And anytime I open a support ticket with Fastly, I get a response that same day."

Brian Benns, Senior Site Reliability Engineer, Giphy

“The degree of control provided by Fastly’s Next-Gen WAF was a huge differentiator. We had serious issues with constant false positives and lack of visibility into what caused them with Cloudflare. By contrast, Fastly blocks tens of thousands of unwanted requests a day—270k a week—which takes strain off our infrastructure.”

Jae Kaplan, Cofounder & Developer at Antisoftware Software Club, Maker of cohost

See what analysts have to say

Forrester 189% ROI without border PNG

The Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) Of Fastly Network Services

Fastly delivered 189% ROI over 3 years. Learn about the cost savings and business benefits of Fastly CDN.

Download study

Gartner Peer Insights Customer's Choice PICC 2024 PNG

Six years in a row as a Customers’ Choice

See why Fastly was named a Customers’ Choice in the 2024 Gartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’ for Cloud Web Application and API Protection.

Download the report

* Blog: Websites get faster when moving to Fastly

** Almost 90% of Fastly Next-Gen WAF customers are in full-blocking mode, as of March 2023

*** 150 ms on global average, as of December 31, 2022

**** CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) score of 98%, as of March 31, 2024

White Paper
究極の CDN バイヤーズガイド

CDN の多くが似通った種類のサービスを提供していますが、中身がすべて同じとは限りません。パフォーマンスやセキュリティの改善を望んでいる方も、CDN の購入を検討されている方も、ベストな CDN を見極めるのにこのガイドをぜひご活用ください。

White Paper
WAF バイヤーのための基本ガイド

不適切な WAF を選ぶと、多くの誤検知や脆弱な AppSec 設定、高額なメンテナンス費用につながる可能性があります。そのため、適切な評価基準を設けることが重要です。

Migrating from Cloudflare to Fastly

Our team is equipped to handle any migration scenario. Read on to determine what Fastly products or features are equivalent to your products and features with Cloudflare.


Fastly のネットワークが目指す先は、より優れた効率性です。配信拠点 (POP) を戦略的に設置することでオンデマンドのスケーラビリティを実現し、大規模なイベントやトラフィックスパイクの発生時でもシームレスな配信が可能です。ネットサーフィン、動画鑑賞、ショッピング、ビジネスなど、ユーザーがどこで Web を利用していても、信頼性の高いパフォーマンスと安心をお届けします。

410 Tbps







ブロックモードで Fastly の NG WAF を使用3






Fastly ではお客様のニーズに合わせて、スタンダード、ゴールド、エンタープライズの3つのサポートプランをご用意しています。


無料のサポートサービスで、Fastly へのご登録と同時にご利用いただけます。


影響の大きなイベントに対するプロアクティブなアラート、24時間365日の迅速なインシデント対応、100%の稼働時間を保証するサービスレベル合意書 (SLA) が含まれます。


緊急時のより強力なサポートや、お問い合わせ (インシデント以外も含みます) に対する24時間365日の対応など、より充実したサポートが受けられます。

Fastly試してみませんか ?