For the latest information on our streaming media services, please see our Streaming Media product page.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, October 21, 2013 -- Fastly, the real-time content delivery network (CDN), announced today the availability of Fastly's Streaming Media Service, rounding out its end-to-end CDN offerings. With Fastly's live, VOD, transcode, and packaging services companies can now self-provision live streaming in less than 15 minutes, delivering streaming media faster and smarter from the location closest to the end user. Any company that needs to accelerate cloud applications and sites, on both mobile and web, can leverage the Fastly platform for end-to-end delivery. Fastly's customers include Twitter, Github, The Guardian, Foursquare, and Wistia.
"We use Fastly to make sure our customers' videos are the fastest loading videos on the planet," says Brendan Schwartz, CTO of Wistia. "Fastly's network is a critical part of our infrastructure, offering us unique capabilities in the CDN space."
With the Streaming Media Service, Fastly delivers a new streaming model optimized to handle small objects for a superior user experience on both mobile and tablet devices. Fastly Streaming also provides support for all HTTP Live Streaming standards, including HLS, HDS, and MPEG-DASH.
Fastly's Streaming Media Service handles over 125 days of video traffic every minute with tens of thousands of simultaneous channels achieving a 97%+ hit rate. Fastly Streaming supports media chunks as small as one-second as well as DVR. Full configuration and real-time logs are available via Fastly's robust API.
"Fastly's combination of incredibly fast content delivery and powerful self-service APIs make it easy for us to provide the best experience possible for millions of developers around the world," said Mark Imbriaco, Ops Engineer at GitHub. "Adding CDN features to new parts of GitHub, which used to take days or sometimes weeks, now takes seconds."
The Streaming Media Service expands Fastly's end-to-end CDN products. With full API access to provisioning, configuration and real-time log streaming, Fastly's customers can easily integrate a caching strategy into their application design in order to optimize user experience and performance.
Fastly's Private CDN product allows customers to deploy a CDN for their own exclusive use and achieve a 100% hit rate at a cost affordable to mid-sized companies. Fastly's products and services bring a completely new approach to CDN market by providing companies with the greatest control and transparency, along with the ability to cache anything.
"Customer experience begins with fast content delivery," said Artur Bergman, Founder and CEO of Fastly. "At Fastly, we are determined to deliver the fastest, most reliable experience in the CDN market today; allowing companies to cache-deliver anything within microseconds."
Fastly は、誰もが好きなこととより深くつながっていられるようサポートしています。Fastly のエッジクラウドプラットフォームにより、お客様はエンドユーザーに限りなく近い、インターネットのエッジでアプリケーションを処理、提供、保護し、優れたデジタルエクスペリエンスを迅速、安全、かつ確実に提供することができます。エッジクラウドプラットフォームは、最新のインターネット技術を活用し、高い可視性と低遅延により、プログラマブルでスピード感のあるソフトウェア開発に対応するよう設計されており、パフォーマンスとセキュリティ両方の観点から開発者のイノベーションを支援します。Fastly のお客様には、国内では日本経済新聞社、メルカリ、クックパッド、サイバーエージェント、海外では Pinterest、The New York Times、GitHub など、世界的に著名な企業が多数含まれます。詳細はをご覧ください。また、Twitter@FastlyJapan および Facebook でも最新の情報を提 供しています。