

Introducing Fastly Streaming Media

Lee Chen

Corporate Development and Strategic Partnerships、VP, Fastly

For the latest information, please see our Media & Streaming services page.

After months of hard work, we're proud to announce the Fastly Streaming Media Service. Fastly is optimized for small object delivery, so http live streaming is in our DNA - but don't be fooled. Our blood, sweat and tears went into this project.

Neomobile has predicted that by 2017, two thirds of the world's mobile traffic will be video. Our goal is to make high-quality live and VOD streaming as easy and intuitive as possible, with a focus on robust mobile delivery. You can self-provision and configure your streams in under 15 minutes via our API and access historical stats and real time logs from the Fastly dashboard.

The Fastly Streaming Media Service offers:

  • Easy self-provisioning

  • Real time stats

  • Short segment duration for a short Time From Live

  • Full support for all HTTP streaming protocols (HLS, HDS, MPEG-DASH and HTTP Smooth Streaming)

Every minute, the Fastly Streaming Media Service is currently handling tens of thousands of live streams and 125 days worth of mobile video, with an average 97% hit rate. We’ll also be releasing an open source live MPEG-DASH packager in the near future. But we're just getting started. We hope you'll share your feedback so we can continue to improve.