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October 6, 2022
Today we are excited to announce support for Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Limited Availability across our Google Logging endpoints Google BigQuery, Cloud Storage, and Pub…
September 30, 2022
Many companies across our industry agree that privacy is a human right. We love to hear that. At Fastly, we understand that privacy is just the right thing to do
September 29, 2022
Edge cloud platforms, like Fastly, provide key roles in delivering the infrastructure for the modern, privacy-aware network. We are working with more partners every day to explore the fit…
September 28, 2022
A can’t-miss conversation with Fastly’s VP of Product, Infrastructure Services, Jana Iyengar about getting his hands dirty among a whole community of brilliant people who have been busy…
September 27, 2022
Learn how the new authorization protocol, Private Access Tokens, is changing how DevOps teams and security professionals fight against fraudulent activity:
September 26, 2022
Easy friendship may be rare—especially when it comes to #privacy—but with Fastly + Glitch, we were there from day one. We have the same goal: a consistent, powerful and insightful #data…
September 23, 2022
The internet is an unprecedented venue for connecting with others, transacting business, learning and expressing ourselves. However, some of the fundamental mechanics of the web lend…

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