Getting started
Two of the main problems people encounter when trying to secure their web and API endpoints is that their security solution is complicated or difficult to maintain, and that the deployment is slow and painful.
Enabling devops teams to speed policy and rule changes for application security threat mitigation (such as custom signals or rate limit rules) becomes increasingly important - especially in the face of a dynamic, evolving threat landscape.
Speed and automation translate into a stronger security policy in the face of evolving web threats - teams can adapt more quickly with less reliance on human error to update rules to prevent attacks. As we’ll see in this blog an integrated approach that involves IaC (Infrastructure-as-Code) can help here.
Fastly’s Next-Gen WAF (NGWAF) solves both of these - that’s the great thing about being “next-gen!” It works out of the box to eliminate false positives without requiring rules or messing with Regex or any kind of tuning or maintenance. These are a number of reasons why Fastly’s Next Gen WAF is named a Customers’ Choice for five consecutive years by Gartner. Also, it can also be deployed quickly and easily. Below I’m going to demonstrate how fast and easy it is to create a new NGWAF Edge deployment using Terraform.
Terraform is continuing to grow in popularity as a tool for deploying and managing IT infrastructure and makes it easier than ever to protect your web and API endpoints with our NGWAF as an Edge deployment. However, the guidance here may simply be used to easily provision the infrastructure and then set aside terraform.
A quick note on terminology
Here are a few of the terms we’re going to be using and a brief definition of what they mean. If you want to learn more you can check out our online docs (
Sites belong to a corp and consist of a set of requests and configurations. Requests come from agents configured with the site’s access and secret keys. Configurations include agent rules (e.g., tagging requests as XSS, blocklist and allowlist rules, blocking rules), the list of members, integrations, and other configuration options. You could logically think of a site as a mapping to a particular application or domain (e.g., vs., but you could have multiple apps share the same site keys, or split one app into different sites (e.g., and
A corp (corporation) is a set of sites and users. Users are authenticated against a corp and can be members of different sites in that corp.
Edge Deployment -
The Edge deployment method allows you to add the Signal Sciences as an edge security service onto Fastly’s Edge Cloud Platform without needing to make any modifications to your own hosting environment.
Deciding on the structure of your deployment
Two common customer questions are “Which NGWAF Site should I link to my edge integration?” and “Do I need to create a new NGWAF Site for the edge integration?” With NGWAF you can pick the structure that works best for your organization. You can easily use an existing Site if you prefer, or you create a new site for this specific deployment option. Here’s a great resource about how to design your NGWAF Edge Corp and Site structure if you want to learn more about those options, but the simplest way to get started is to deploy using an existing NGWAF Site.
Fastly provides everything you’ll need for this process:
A Fastly Edge API key with permissions to create and manage services.
A NextGen WAF API key with Corp Admin permissions.
A NextGen WAF Corp and Site.
Deploying the Next-Gen WAF on the Edge
Here's a video that walks you through the whole process in 4 minutes, but keep reading for the Terraform configuration and more!
The following Terraform configuration should be used for the deployment.
# Terraform 0.13+ requires providers to be declared in a "required_providers" block
terraform {
required_providers {
fastly = {
source = "fastly/fastly"
version = ">= 3.0.4"
sigsci = {
source = "signalsciences/sigsci"
version = ">= 1.2.18"
# Fastly Edge VCL configuration
variable "FASTLY_API_KEY" {
type = string
description = "This is API key for the Fastly VCL edge configuration."
#### VCL Service variables - Start
type = string
description = "Frontend domain for your service. Try '' to get up and running quickly."
default = ""
type = string
description = "hostname used for backend."
default = ""
# Controls the percentage of traffic sent to NGWAF
variable "Edge_Security_dictionary" {
type = string
default = "Edge_Security"
variable "NGWAF_CORP" {
type = string
description = "Corp name for NGWAF"
variable "NGWAF_SITE" {
type = string
description = "Site name for NGWAF"
#### VCL Service variables - End
#### NGWAF variables - Start
variable "NGWAF_EMAIL" {
type = string
description = "Email address associated with the token for the NGWAF API."
variable "NGWAF_TOKEN" {
type = string
description = "Secret token for the NGWAF API."
sensitive = true
#### NGWAF variables - End
# Configure the Fastly Provider
provider "fastly" {
api_key = var.FASTLY_API_KEY
#### Fastly VCL Service - Start
resource "fastly_service_vcl" "frontend-vcl-service" {
name = "Frontend VCL Service - NGWAF edge deploy"
domain {
comment = "Frontend VCL Service - NGWAF edge deploy"
backend {
name = "vcl_service_origin_1"
port = 443
use_ssl = true
#### NGWAF Dynamic Snippets - MANAGED BY FASTLY - Start
dynamicsnippet {
name = "ngwaf_config_init"
type = "init"
priority = 0
dynamicsnippet {
name = "ngwaf_config_miss"
type = "miss"
priority = 9000
dynamicsnippet {
name = "ngwaf_config_pass"
type = "pass"
priority = 9000
dynamicsnippet {
name = "ngwaf_config_deliver"
type = "deliver"
priority = 9000
#### NGWAF Dynamic Snippets - MANAGED BY FASTLY - End
dictionary {
name = var.Edge_Security_dictionary
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
force_destroy = true
resource "fastly_service_dictionary_items" "edge_security_dictionary_items" {
for_each = {
for d in fastly_service_vcl.frontend-vcl-service.dictionary : => d if == var.Edge_Security_dictionary
service_id =
dictionary_id = each.value.dictionary_id
items = {
Enabled: "100"
resource "fastly_service_dynamic_snippet_content" "ngwaf_config_init" {
for_each = {
for d in fastly_service_vcl.frontend-vcl-service.dynamicsnippet : => d if == "ngwaf_config_init"
service_id =
snippet_id = each.value.snippet_id
content = "### Fastly managed ngwaf_config_init"
manage_snippets = false
resource "fastly_service_dynamic_snippet_content" "ngwaf_config_miss" {
for_each = {
for d in fastly_service_vcl.frontend-vcl-service.dynamicsnippet : => d if == "ngwaf_config_miss"
service_id =
snippet_id = each.value.snippet_id
content = "### Fastly managed ngwaf_config_miss"
manage_snippets = false
resource "fastly_service_dynamic_snippet_content" "ngwaf_config_pass" {
for_each = {
for d in fastly_service_vcl.frontend-vcl-service.dynamicsnippet : => d if == "ngwaf_config_pass"
service_id =
snippet_id = each.value.snippet_id
content = "### Fastly managed ngwaf_config_pass"
manage_snippets = false
resource "fastly_service_dynamic_snippet_content" "ngwaf_config_deliver" {
for_each = {
for d in fastly_service_vcl.frontend-vcl-service.dynamicsnippet : => d if == "ngwaf_config_deliver"
service_id =
snippet_id = each.value.snippet_id
content = "### Fastly managed ngwaf_config_deliver"
manage_snippets = false
#### Fastly VCL Service - End
#### NGWAF Edge deploy - Start
provider "sigsci" {
corp = var.NGWAF_CORP
email = var.NGWAF_EMAIL
auth_token = var.NGWAF_TOKEN
fastly_api_key = var.FASTLY_API_KEY
resource "sigsci_edge_deployment" "ngwaf_edge_site_service" {
site_short_name = var.NGWAF_SITE
resource "sigsci_edge_deployment_service" "ngwaf_edge_service_link" {
site_short_name = var.NGWAF_SITE
fastly_sid =
activate_version = true
percent_enabled = 100
depends_on = [
resource "sigsci_edge_deployment_service_backend" "ngwaf_edge_service_backend_sync" {
site_short_name = var.NGWAF_SITE
fastly_sid =
fastly_service_vcl_active_version = fastly_service_vcl.frontend-vcl-service.active_version
depends_on = [
#### NGWAF Edge deploy - End
output "love_laugh_live_ngwaf" {
value = <<tfmultiline
#### Click the URL to go to the service ####${}
#### Send a test request with curl. ####
curl -i "https://${var.USER_VCL_SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME}/anything/whydopirates?likeurls=theargs" -d foo=bar
#### Send an test as cmd exe request with curl. ####
curl -i "https://${var.USER_VCL_SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME}/anything/myattackreq?i=../../../../etc/passwd'" -d foo=bar
#### Troubleshoot the logging configuration if necessary. ####
curl${}/logging_status -H fastly-key:$FASTLY_API_KEY
description = "Output hints on what to do next."
depends_on = [
If you’ve got all the above requirements Fastly Edge API key, NGWAF API key, permissions, and NGWAF Corp /Site), then all you have to do is run `terraform apply` and send a request to test out the deployment for a new deployment. Fortunately, we have built the test request into Terraform as well (because we want this to be EASY for you!).
Now you can start using the Fastly NGWAF UI to manage your application security settings or continue using Terraform, same as you would with any other deployment option.
So what is happening in the background?
The Signal Sciences Terraform provider is doing two things.
Creating the NGWAF Edge Service
Linking the NGWAF Edge Service to your VCL service
Linking the VCL service and the NGWAF Edge Service does a few things.
It will create an edge dictionary,
Create dynamic snippets that Fastly will maintain
Synchronize the origins configured at the VCL service with the NGWAF Edge Service
When we first run `terraform apply`, the VCL service is created with 4 dynamic snippets. All of which are setting `managed = false` to indicate that those specific resources will be managed outside of terraform ( In this case, ‘outside of terraform’ means that Fastly will manage the snippets and make changes if necessary.
It’s as simple as that, and your site is now protected. So you hopefully have a better understanding of how to provision a NGWAF edge deployment with new VCL services using Terraform — easy! Stay tuned for a future blog post for using Terraform with an existing Fastly service, and let us know if you have questions or feedback.