We are excited to announce the launch of Fastly Alerts in beta, with new API functionality and a fresh new interface. Real-time visibility into critical components of your infrastructure and instant alerts are important to maintaining uptime and performance, and one of the most consistently requested features from customers are native, turnkey alerts for Fastly services. Our customers already love our logging integrations and alert tools, but in some cases a native alert direct from Fastly is valuable for a speedy response. With the launch of Fastly Alerts, we bring automated alerting capabilities directly into the Fastly platform so that your team will be notified when components of your infrastructure or application encounter issues with performance and reliability.
Simplified alerts for your team
Fastly helps our customers avoid integration challenges, performance issues, and ensure data privacy. Our observability features and capabilities — logging, metrics, and tracing — give you more control of your products.
Create alert definitions
Alert definitions span across the entire account and are tied to a specific service and service metric. Define the alert name, service, data source, metric(s), threshold, evaluation period, and webhook integration all within our API or intuitive user interface.
View alert history and detailed pages
See a comprehensive view of all actively firing alerts and previously triggered alert events. Use our in-line graph visualizations and marker indicators to help troubleshoot issues quickly. Share links with colleagues to our detailed alert pages.

Origin, Domain, and General Service Metric level visibility
We support alerts on all origin and domain metrics made available through our Historical API as well as more common service metrics including 4XX errors, 5XX errors, request volume, and bandwidth with more use cases coming soon!
Slack webhook functionality
Connect your alert notifications to messaging tools you already use, like Slack. Receive a summarized message of the alert with quick, shareable links into the UI. Integrations into other messaging tools and alerting services coming soon!
Test alerts
Test alerts before actual alert notifications are fired to ensure a notification will be sent, the right teams and channels are made aware, and the webhook integration is working properly.

Want to sign up?
Reach out to your account manager or contact us at support@fastly.com to be added to our waitlist. We will be giving open access to more customers in a phased approach. We look forward to having you be a beta tester and hearing your feedback as we progress through our early development! Be sure to also check out our Origin Inspector and Domain Inspector trial or enter our Edge Observer beta to gain access to our suite of observability products.