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Fastly's changelog tracks API enhancements | Fastly
Fastly launches a more robust and transparent API changelog that will make it easier for developers to get the facts they need to keep building the experiences users love.
Fast Path Failover Tech Boosts Delivery | Fastly
Improve traffic deliverability by mitigating the impact of internet weather by automatically detecting and re-routing underperforming edge connections.
TLS with Fastly is now easier and more flexible
Fastly now offers two new TLS services for the trust, flexibility, and scalability customers need to bring the best of the internet to life.
Fastly streams logs to Kafka & Elasticsearch | Fastly
Fastly expands real-time logging support to include six additional endpoints, including Apache Kafka and Elasticsearch.
Introducing Platform TLS and Subscriber Provided Prefix
Today we’re announcing two new offerings on the Fastly platform: Platform TLS and Subscriber Provided Prefix. Both empower companies to provide fast, secure web experiences to their customers and end-users, while reducing the workload on their own internal teams. Large companies, such as those offering mass hosting or managing multi-brand portfolios, can now quickly and easily manage hundreds of thousands of certificates in bulk.
Elevating the user experience at Fastly
We’re excited to share several recent user experience updates that enhance WAF, Image Optimizer, and user management functionality in the Fastly control panel.
Network Expansion Update: 51 POPs & 22 Tbps
We have been busy over the first half of the year launching POPs in Vancouver, Canada; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Mumbai and Chennai, India. Additionally, we’ve completed upgrade cycles to our POPs in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia; Paris, France; Madrid, Spain; Denver, Colorado; and Chicago, Illinois. This work brings the total global number of Fastly POPs to 51 along with 22 Tbps of connected network capacity.
Building the WAF test harness
To help our customers secure their sites and applications — while continuing to give their users reliable online experiences — we’ve built a performant, highly configurable, and comprehensive Web Application Firewall (WAF). In order to provide a comprehensive solution for securing your infrastructure, it’s critical to continuously test that solution. In this post, we’ll share how we ensure a quality WAF implementation for our customers, continuously testing it using our framework for testing WAFs (FTW), and go deeper into the findings and contributions we’ve made to the OWASP CRS community with FTW.
2018 starts with 46 POPs & 20 Tbps of connected edge capacity
The Fastly Infrastructure and Edge Cloud Operations Teams wrapped up 2017 by completing major milestones in our point of presence (POP) deployments around the globe AND achieving 20 Tbps of connected edge capacity. Since our last update, we’ve deployed additional US POPs in Atlanta, Houston, Columbus, and Palo Alto, brand-new locations in Cape Town, South Africa and Columbus Ohio, plus a new 100GE-enabled POP in Tokyo, Japan. These upgrades empower us to scale to meet customer demands, reduce latency, and improve resilience to our network — read on to see what we’ve been up to.
Building the Fastly WAF
In keeping with our security team’s vision for defending the modern web, we launched our Web Application Firewall (WAF) to help our customers secure their sites and applications while providing reliable online experiences for their users. In this post, two of the engineers who built our WAF will take you on a deep dive into the tech behind it, exploring how we built a performant, highly configurable, and comprehensive solution to secure customers’ infrastructure.
Getting more out of IO with image transformation classes
We’ve worked to ensure the Fastly Image Optimizer is simple, easy to use, and most importantly fully integrated into the platform. In an effort to give you even more control, we've developed image transformation classes to help streamline, secure, and support your image delivery workflow.
Updates to the Fastly control panel
We’ve recently had the opportunity to turn customer feedback into new features for the Fastly control panel. Hear from our lead product designers on the latest changes, including an all services homepage, easier way to customize your VCL, and more.
Multi-DRM & Content Preconditioning for OTT Providers | Fastly
In an ongoing effort to help you provide the best streaming experiences for your end users, we’re excited to announce two new features to our OTFP service. Multi-DRM support and content preconditioning enable over the top (OTT) video service providers to protect and efficiently monetize premium video content.
Building Edge: 40 POPs, 15 Tbps Capacity | Fastly
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added a collection of new POPs to the Fastly global network. Since our last update, we’ve deployed additional US POPs in Chicago, Newark, Ashburn, and Los Angeles, plus a brand-new location in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fastly’s global network now exceeds 15 Tbps of connected internet capacity, and we will continue to scale alongside our rapidly growing customer base.
Fastly's 35th POP: Johannesburg + Network Upgrades
We’re pleased to announce our 35th point of presence (POP) located in Johannesburg, South Africa, and have grown our overall network capacity by 737.6% since 2014. We’ve deployed to Johannesburg (JNB) to increase performance for sites delivered by Fastly throughout southern Africa. With JNB online, Fastly now has [POPs on six continents]( In this post, VP of Infrastructure Tom Daly discusses the improvements users in South Africa and neighboring areas will see, as well as the latest updates to our network in Auckland, Miami, Seattle, and Singapore.
IPv6 at Fastly
As Fastly CEO Artur Bergman has [said](, “We will always insist that every component of the Fastly platform is fully integrated – we don't limit features to subsets of our network.” We take the time to fully integrate standardized protocols and technologies like [HTTP/2]( and IPv6 into our stack, and maintain the standards our customers have come to expect. Here’s our story of the evolution of IPv6 at Fastly — and how to implement it.
Fastly's POPs in Minneapolis, Montreal, and Madrid
We’re pleased to announce an alliteration of new POPs to the Fastly network: Minneapolis, Montreal, and Madrid. We’ve deployed these POPs to expand our reach throughout the Central United States, Canada, and southwestern Europe.
Network expansion update: Frankfurt
We’re pleased to announce the addition of a second Frankfurt POP to Fastly’s network. In addition to providing more capacity and redundancy to our CDN in Central and Eastern Europe, the Frankfurt POP gives us the opportunity to leverage new switching technology to drive more 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports in our network.
Scaling Fastly Network: Balancing Requests | Fastly
Our previous post detailed how Fastly started down the slippery slope of network software. By implementing a distributed routing system on commodity switches, we were able to maintain complete control over how we forward packets at a fraction of the cost imposed by conventional networking wisdom.
HTTP/2 is now in General Availability
We’re pleased to announce that HTTP/2 is now in General Availability. Our implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol supports all of the standard protocol features, which will deliver a host of benefits to our customers.