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The three things to keep in mind as you prepare for peak

Julien Maingard, Lindsay Morris

Peak traffic is going to be on overdrive this year, and your ecommerce site needs to be prepared — but it’s not as hard as you might think. A good game plan should include these three best practices.

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Lessons Learned from Side-Channel Attacks

Patrick McManus

The largest category of difficult-to-anticipate security design weaknesses come from side-channel attacks. In this post, we take a tour of some of the more foundational and out-there side channel-related exploits that have afflicted the security conscious over the years.

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The state of QUIC and HTTP/3 2020

Jana Iyengar

QUIC and HTTP/3 have entered the final stages of development at the IETF. Distinguished Engineer, Jana Iyengar, elaborates on the current state of the protocols, their deployment across the internet, and his expectations for QUIC and HTTP/3 in the near future.

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What is Cache Control?

Mark Nottingham

The Cache-Control response header is one of HTTP’s more widely known header fields; it allows a site to control how caches handle their data in CDNs, browsers, and elsewhere

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Improving HTTP with structured header fields

Mark Nottingham

The HTTP community has been busy modernizing the web’s protocol over the last decade, with multiple revisions of the core specification, a number of extensions, HTTP/2, and now HTTP/3. Unfortunately, the way we define and use HTTP header fields hasn’t changed much since the beginning, with underspecified headers (and lots of different ways to handle them) causing interoperability issues, developer pain, and even security problems. But help is coming.

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User error logs collected | Fastly

Hooman Beheshti

Network error logging reports client-side failures and successes, enabling developers to understand how their sites function in the real world and how they might improve performance. In this post, we’ll explore the NEL framework, how it provides visibility, and ways to collect and process the resulting data.

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Core Web Vitals: Improve Your Website Speed | Fastly

Mike Perez

Understand what Core Web Vitals means and how you can improve some of these metrics with a CDN configuration.

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QUIC matches TCP's efficiency, says our research. | Fastly

Kazuho Oku, Jana Iyengar

Compare QUIC vs TCP to better understand the computational efficiency of both.

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Decoding the digital divide

Jana Iyengar, Artur Bergman

This series on the digital divide examines the data behind several yet-unexplored facets of the issue, the people and places it impacts most greatly, and what can and should be done to close this persistent gap.

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HTTP/3 and QUIC help needy connections | Fastly

Patrick McManus

HTTP/3 and QUIC aim to help the internet's so-called long-tail connections — connections that are most in need of improvement. What could that look like? For some, it could mean being able to actually use video calling and streaming media or even make a workable phone call. Let's look at the design principles that make these advancements possible.

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How COVID-19 is affecting internet performance

Artur Bergman, Jana Iyengar

How is COVID-19 affecting internet performance? We analyzed regional and vertical trends and found that, despite COVID-19-related traffic increases, the internet is up to the challenge.

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Four key innovations that prepared the internet for COVID-19

Patrick McManus

These crucial pieces of internet architecture — only widely adopted over the last 10 years — are creating the capacity for us to live, work, and learn from home in unprecedented conditions.

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Three ways TLS 1.3 protects origin names

Patrick McManus

The newest version of Transport Layer Security, TLS 1.3, is faster, more robust, and more responsive than ever before. Explore three ways it will help HTTPS protect origin names for improved confidentiality.

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Modernizing the internet with HTTP/3 and QUIC

Jana Iyengar

Fastly’s QUIC and HTTP/3 beta is coming soon. Join the waitlist and discover how these two new protocols solve the modern internet’s problems.

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Internet changed in 2019, expect more in 2020 | Fastly

Tyler McMullen

Take a look back at 2019’s major shifts in internet infrastructure, and understand what they mean for the future of the internet in 2020 and beyond.

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Fastly and Partners Form Bytecode Alliance

Tyler McMullen

Fastly teams up with Mozilla, Intel, and Red Hat to form the Bytecode Alliance, an open-source community working together on WebAssembly-based compiler tools and foundations that work across many platforms.

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The Maturing of QUIC

Jana Iyengar

QUIC, the new internet transport protocol set to replace TCP, was comprehensively built by tech industry leaders over nearly seven years. Go behind the scenes to see how QUIC evolved from a lofty experiment to a standard set to modernize the internet.

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Supercharging Server Timing with HTTP trailers

Hooman Beheshti, Dragana Damjanovic

Server Timing is a great mechanism for collecting new performance metrics in the browser. Fastly and Firefox have teamed up to make them even more powerful by adding support for using Server Timing with HTTP trailers.

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Why Fastly loves QUIC and HTTP/3

Jana Iyengar

We're thrilled to be so invested in QUIC, a new transport protocol that is more responsive, secure, and flexible than what the internet uses today. Learn why, straight from our very own Jana Iyengar, one of the editors of the core document.

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Improve response, drive digital change | Fastly

Rachel Goldberg

The ability to get real-time data for your site or app, respond quickly, and see your changes reflected in real-time is crucial for businesses today. See the ways in which companies like HotelTonight and Gannett/USA Today have boosted their responsiveness, and freed up their teams to innovate.

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