Travis Sanders
Principal Global Architect, Fastly
Travis is a Principal Global Architect at Fastly. He has been part of technology for over two decades, working in government, healthcare, commerce, and media industries. With a focus on helping make the web faster, more secure, and more reliable. He works with global companies to evangelize Fastly's increasing product capabilities.
Designing Next-Gen WAF Sites for your Organization
Brooks Cunningham, Travis Sanders
Flexible options for deploying Fastly’s Next-Gen WAF are critical for getting your security running effectively, quickly, and with the right structure for your organization.
Self-service Image Optimization announced | Fastly
Travis Sanders
We are happy to announce the availability of the long awaiting self-service of our Image Optimization product. Once enabled, users can manually enable/disable image optimization on each/all of their Fastly service configurations. We are pleased to bring this support to the world's fastest-edge network.
Use edge shielding for better performance | Fastly
Travis Sanders
Fastly’s shielding can minimize origin load, improve availability and resiliency, and reduce operational costs associated with origin infrastructure.