Shane Burgess
Senior Product Manager, Fastly
Shane Burgess is a Senior Product Manager on the Security Product team, where he works on TLS connections and certificate management. He has over 8 years of cloud infrastructure experience where he has worked on products for ecommerce, domain registrations, TLS certificate management, DDoS protection, and compliance. When Shane is not at work, you can find him in the kitchen, or working with his hands, fixing or improving things, or on the ice at the local hockey rink.
Let’s Encrypt Chain of Trust Impact
Shane Burgess, David King
Our commitment to widespread trust allows Certainly to support organizations affected by Let’s Encrypt’s looming changes and beyond.
Announcing Mutual TLS from Fastly
Shane Burgess
We are excited to announce the general availability of Mutual TLS (mTLS) support from Fastly, providing two-way authentication and encryption of network communication.
Is it time for ECDSA certificates?
Shane Burgess
For 40 years, RSA certificates have been the industry standard for Transport Layer Security (TLS). But we’re seeing a shift – especially as the prevalence of high-traffic cyber attacks continues to grow.