Luke Wagner
Distinguished Engineer, Fastly
Luke Wagner is a Distinguished Engineer at Fastly, working on WebAssembly standards and evolution. Before joining Fastly, Luke worked for more than a decade at Mozilla on Firefox, the JavaScript engine, performance, security and Web standards. During this time, Luke co-created WebAssembly and led the implementation in Firefox. Luke is a co-chair of the W3C WebAssembly Working Group and is currently leading the WebAssembly Component Model proposal.
WASI 0.2: Unlocking WebAssembly’s Promise Outside the Browser
Tyler McMullen, Luke Wagner
The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) Subgroup recently reached a significant milestone by voting to launch WASI 0.2, also known as WASI Preview 2.
A new level of security called for by the White House and Office of the National Cyber Director
Anil Dash, Luke Wagner
The White House and Office of the National Cyber Director called for the adoption of memory safe languages, and we see a way for existing code be more memory safe as well.