Kailan Blanks
Senior Software Engineer, Developer Relations, Fastly
As a software engineer on the Developer Relations team at Fastly, Kailan is responsible for customer-facing tooling and content. As part of his work, he maintains the Fastly Developer Hub and various open-source projects for our serverless compute environment, Compute@Edge. Outside of work hours, he can often be found exploring the Cornish countryside on his electric skateboard.
Build a “For You” recommendation page in an hour with Fastly
Kailan Blanks, Andrew Betts
On this episode of Fastly Developers Live, we discuss the importance of curating a personalized "For You" page using Fastly.
ESI and the story of libraries built for the edge
Kailan Blanks
Traditionally, content delivery networks have been built upon a proprietary core product which is supported by equally proprietary add-ons such as image optimization and content filtering. Fastly has always done a bit better than this – from the beginning, building our network on the Varnish cache gave our customers the ability to fully program how requests were served at the edge. However, the constraints of VCL, the domain-specific language used to configure Varnish, meant that you were limited to only the features that we chose to offer.
Cloud Deploy simplifies Compute@Edge projects | Fastly
Kailan Blanks
We’re introducing Cloud Deploy, a wizard that helps you start building on Compute by deploying and customizing templates, and sets you up with an automated deployment workflow and best development practices.
Introducing GitHub Actions for Compute
Kailan Blanks
GitHub Actions for Compute allow you to transition from a manually deployed application to a fully automated deployment workflow with ease and wrap the Fastly CLI to provide an easy way to keep your application up to date.