James Nguyen
Product Manager
James Nguyen is a Product Manager for the Fastly Next-Gen WAF, focused on ensuring that customers of all sizes, industries, and technology stacks can quickly and easily deploy Fastly's award-winning security products. He is a seasoned PM with a career spanning consumer and enterprise security, and a depth of knowledge in mobile security, online privacy, identity management, and API security. In his spare time, he is a proud supporter of the Be The Match nonprofit organization, helping cancer patients find life-saving marrow matches.
Fastly Bot Management Wins at the 2025 DEVIES
James Nguyen, Daniel Corbett
Fastly Bot Management proudly wins the 2025 DEVIES Award in AppSecOps, showcasing innovation and excellence in developer technology for modern teams.

Bot Wars: How Bad Bots are Hurting Businesses
Daniel Corbett, James Nguyen
Discover insights from our survey of 500 IT and security leaders on how malicious bots impact businesses. Learn to safeguard your digital assets effectively.

Introducing GraphQL Inspection for the Fastly Next-Gen WAF
James Nguyen
GraphQL is fast gaining popularity, and we’re excited to announce that we now support GraphQL Inspection in our Fastly Next-Gen WAF (powered by Signal Sciences).
Fastly's Next-Gen WAF now works with Arm at scale | Fastly
James Nguyen
The Fastly Next-Gen WAF is now the only WAF on the market to be Arm compatible at scale in any environment, allowing you to deploy our security solution in environments using Arm-based processors on NGINX-native web servers — or anywhere else you host your apps and APIs.