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Dora Militaru debunks Developer Career Path Myth | Fastly

Hannah Aubry

In this developer spotlight, we talk to Dora Militaru about her story and thoughts on the tech industry, as well as glean sage advice and inspiration for developers, hiring managers, and those with an unconventional story to share.

Industry insights

5 best practices for your TLS configuration

Maria Espada

The TLS Support Engineering team provides support for customers managing one to thousands of certificates. After helping so many customers tailor their DNS and TLS configurations, they have five best practices to recommend.


New logging endpoints: Kafka and Kinesis

Dom Fee

Fastly adds two new logging endpoints with Kafka, now in general availability, and Kinesis, now in limited availability.


Prepare for DDoS attacks: 5 steps to take | Fastly

Gino Lang

Layer 7 attacks that target applications and issue requests that can swamp origin systems often seek to blend into other network traffic and require a more focused defense than Layer 3 and 4 attacks. Here are five best practices you can implement to help prepare for such attacks.

Industry insights

Fastly's Live Event Services power Lexus Melbourne Cup on 10 Play | Fastly

David Belson, Sianne Chen

Fastly Live Event Services helped power the Lexus Melbourne Cup, a 3-minute horse race that attracts millions of viewers across Australia. This year, the event saw more people live streaming than ever before and went off without a hitch.

Industry insights

Election 2020: A data story in three parts

David Belson

The breadth of our network and volume of our traffic provides a portal of sorts into the global zeitgeist, helping us observe the moments the world goes online to share in a collective experience. But unlike the Super Bowl or Black Friday, we can hardly call the 2020 U.S. presidential election a “moment”. Indeed, our view of the 2020 Election starts months before Election Day and continues days after.


The three things to keep in mind as you prepare for peak

Julien Maingard, Lindsay Morris

Peak traffic is going to be on overdrive this year, and your ecommerce site needs to be prepared — but it’s not as hard as you might think. A good game plan should include these three best practices.

Industry insights

The power of serverless, 72 times over

Mark Teodoro

Serverless technology has been making developers’ lives easier for years, but those benefits had yet to extend to end users. This is the true promise of edge serverless — enabling developers to solve for both operational overhead and a performant, consistent user experience, simultaneously.

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Adobe boosts performance and MTTR with Epsagon and Fastly logs | Fastly

Simon Wistow

Working together, Epsagon and Adobe’s Project Helix team built a very cool integration that uses clever parsing of Fastly VCL to generate tracing statements showing what variables have been created, updated, or deleted at every stage of a request and response in our platform.


Use One Set of Credentials for Multiple Fastly Accounts

Joe Hoffend

Gone are the days of maintaining separate credentials for multiple accounts. Multi Account User Access allows you to log in to multiple Fastly customer accounts with a single set of credentials.


Exploring 103 Early Hints Beyond Server Push | Fastly

Mark Nottingham

Many people think that the 103 Early Hints HTTP status code can help web performance in certain situations, but we won’t know until we get data about it, and without that data, browsers won’t support it. If your site has content like that described in this post, please consider joining this experiment.


Code-splitting and minimal edge latency: the perfect match

Andrew Betts

Fastly Fiddle, our code playground tool, is a React single-page app that uses the excellent Monaco IDE component that powers VS Code. Problem is, Monaco is huge. And most uses of Fiddle are read only. Code-splitting removes the need to load a whole IDE to display some non-editable code. Let’s explore how.

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Meet AssemblyScript: your next computing language

Aaron Turner

AssemblyScript is a variant of TypeScript that produces WebAssembly binaries, the binary format that powers Fastly’s Compute@Edge. It’s a new technology supported by all major browsers, and relative to JavaScript, it offers predictable performance, making WebAssembly well suited for computationally intensive tasks. Let’s dig in on why AssemblyScript is your next computing language.

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Compute@Edge with CLI, Terraform API & Language Support | Fastly

Tyler McMullen

Now running production traffic, Compute takes a leap forward in delivering on the promise of highly performant, secure, and globally distributed serverless computing with the introduction of powerful new functionality and tooling.

Company news
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How Compute is tackling the most frustrating aspects of serverless

MJ Jones

Serverless solutions are good news for developers, but they can cause plenty of headaches, including cold starts, regional latency, and a lack of observability. Compute, Fastly’s serverless compute environment — built on Wasm and run globally — can help solve those problems.


Signal Sciences named Visionary in 2020 Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls for second year | Fastly

Kevin Rollinson

We believe Signal Sciences’ innovation earned them recognition in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAF, and it’s this kind of innovation that excites us as we merge forces — now that Signal Sciences is part of Fastly.


Fastly Introduces Two Solutions for Quality | Fastly

Dima Kumets

With two new solutions, Fastly is empowering video engineers to address the growing streaming-at-scale challenge head on with enhancements to its video-on-demand and live event services capabilities, helping them deliver quality user experiences no matter what their end users are streaming.


Fastly invests in teams & communities for voter engagement | Fastly

Maurice Wilkins

Now more than ever, engaging in our democracy is critical — and Fastly is invested in making sure our internal community has the tools and resources to do so effectively.


Engage young voters, drive civic engagement | Fastly

Hannah Aubry, part of our Open Source and Nonprofit Program, believes in activating young people to support change. And in the face of COVID-19 and a U.S. election year, they’ve imagined all-new ways to connect with users and driver voter engagement.


Lessons Learned from Side-Channel Attacks

Patrick McManus

The largest category of difficult-to-anticipate security design weaknesses come from side-channel attacks. In this post, we take a tour of some of the more foundational and out-there side channel-related exploits that have afflicted the security conscious over the years.

Industry insights