A RedMonk Conversation: How Fastly is Keeping Open Source Sustainable in the Age of the Licensing Rug Pull

In this conversation, James Governor of RedMonk and Simon Wistow, co-founder of Fastly, discuss the challenges and future of open source in the tech industry. James highlights a crisis in open source due to a trend of companies switching to source-available licenses, which he refers to as a “rug pull.” This shift, often driven by investor pressure, threatens the sustainability of open source projects. Simon, who has a long history with open source, explains how Fastly supports various open source projects, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and non-reliance on short-term funding. He notes that Fastly’s business model benefits from open source, which aligns with their commitment to contribute back to the community.

This was a RedMonk video, sponsored by Fastly.

A RedMonk Conversation: How Fastly is Keeping Open Source Sustainable in the Age of the Licensing Rug Pull

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