fastly next-gen waf

Dynamically package your video content in real time

Protección contra botsDistribución de contenidoPlataforma de edge cloudEdge ecosystemObservabilidadServicios de red MétricasTracingSeguridad

Instead of pre-packaging VOD files to suit different formats, let Fastlly’s On-The-Fly Packager (OTFP) cut storage costs and unlock operational efficiencies.

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How can OTFP help?

OTFP lets you store files and dynamically package and deliver optimized versions when requested. It supoorts common streaming formats and resolutions to give you flexibility when delivering media. For example, you can package and deliver different versions for mobile users as their network connection improves or degrades. And since we only package what users request, you deliver only what is needed.

Real-time logging:

Log any aspect of HTTP requests and responses in real-time and get the
crucial visibility you need to monitor for security threats, troubleshoot
performance issues, and innovate at the edge. And, because we believe your
log data belongs to you, we don’t store logs.

Log streaming:

We deliver real-time, customizable logs to an extensive variety of supported
to enhance your business workflows. Dig into any aspect of
a request or response to diagnose problems and understand how your
customers are engaging with your web properties

Logging insights:

Get the most out of your Fastly deployment without tying up scarce IT or
engineering resources. This professional services offering provides you with
a guided customization of preconfigured Sumo Logic dashboards tailored to
your specific business needs.


“Now we can stream livesyslog data, addressing problems as they happen. This is especially beneficial for security issues; by gathering together information gleaned from streaming logs, we can determine both the popularity and vulnerability of certain components”

Customer quote


Read the blog post

OTFP will cut costs

Get videos in front of your viewers

OTFP lets you store files and dynamically package and deliver optimized versions when requested. It supoorts common streaming formats and resolutions to give you flexibility when delivering media. For example, you can package and deliver different versions for mobile users as their network connection improves or degrades. And since we only package what users request, you deliver only what is needed.

Reduce storage costs

OTFP lets you store files and dynamically package and deliver optimized versions when requested. It supoorts common streaming formats and resolutions to give you flexibility when delivering media. For example, you can package and deliver different versions for mobile users as their network connection improves or degrades. And since we only package what users request, you deliver only what is needed.

Save time on the back end

OTFP lets you store files and dynamically package and deliver optimized versions when requested. It supoorts common streaming formats and resolutions to give you flexibility when delivering media. For example, you can package and deliver different versions for mobile users as their network connection improves or degrades. And since we only package what users request, you deliver only what is needed.


Savings in egress costs

Slow-loading websites cost retailers

$2.6 billion

in lost sales each year. Compressing images can help load your pages faster.





Fastly Next-Gen WAF

Platform DDoS

TLS encryption

Custom signals

API and ATO protection rules

Rate limiting

Response Security Service add-on

Email and docs support

Support portal

Highest-rated WAAP solution with 4.9/5 stars

Signal Sciences, now part of Fastly, is the only vendor to be named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) for four consecutive years and is one of the highest-rated WAAP solutions on the market with an overall rating of 4.9/5 as of 31 January 2022 based on 267 reviews.

Analyst Report
Test data sheet

This is a description

Related Resource Web

related web

Entra en una red mundial más potente.

Hemos diseñado nuestra red para que sea lo más eficiente posible. Tenemos puntos de presencia (POP) ubicados estratégicamente, así que podrás ajustar la escala a la demanda y distribuir contenido sin problemas durante grandes acontecimientos y picos de tráfico. Para tu tranquilidad, te ofrecemos un rendimiento que nunca te va a fallar, dondequiera que estén los usuarios mientras navegan, compran, ven contenido o desarrollan su actividad empresarial.

410 Tbit/s

de capacidad de la red del borde1

150 ms

de tiempo medio de purga2

Más de 1,8 billones

de peticiones diarias atendidas4

casi el 90% de los clientes

de los clientes usan nuestro
WAF de última generación
en modo de bloqueo3

Al 31 de diciembre de 2024

A fecha de 31 de diciembre de 2019

A fecha de 31 de marzo de 2019

Al 31 de julio de 2023

Planes de soporte

Fastly ofrece varios planes de soporte adecuados a cada necesidad: Standard, Gold y Enterprise.


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