Informática sin servidores

La informática sin servidores permite a los equipos de desarrollo escribir y desplegar código sin preocuparse de gestionar servidores. Descubre por qué este tipo de arquitectura está ganando impulso.

¿En qué consiste la informática sin servidores?

Serverless computing is a type of cloud computing - a dynamic method of delivering backend services on an as-needed basis.

¿Qué es la informática en el edge?

Edge computing is computational processing at the edge of the network, at or near the source of the data, instead of processing within a centralized infrastructure.

¿Qué es la informática en la nube?

Cloud computing provides users with on-demand access to computing resources, such as servers, storage, applications, and services all over the internet, instead of storing and managing them locally on their own servers or data centers.

¿Qué es WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is an open binary instruction format created to enhance the speed and efficiency of web applications.

¿Qué es WASI?

The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) offers a solution by providing common standards for running WebAssembly modules outside of web browsers, allowing for smoother integration with other systems and software used by your company.

¿Qué es un modelo de componentes?

A component model is a framework that guides how software parts are designed and put together within a system. It's like a blueprint for building with digital Lego blocks. Each block, or component, is a self-contained unit that does a specific job.

¿Qué es un almacén de secretos?

A secret store is a secure, distributed system for storing and managing sensitive information in edge computing environments, such as API keys, certificates, passwords, tokens, and credentials.

¿Qué son los almacenes de clave-valor y por qué son importantes?

Key-value stores are a type of specialized NOSQL database that allow you to store data in the form of key-value pairs instead of in a table-based structure. It is also referred to in computer science as an “associative array” or “dictionary”.

What is edge to cloud computing?

Edge computing is computational processing at the edge of the network, at or near the source of the data, instead of processing within a centralized infrastructure.

What is edge AI?

Learn more about Edge AI, discover its benefits, and see its impact across industries.