Certificate Signing Requests

A certificate signing request is needed to obtain a TLS certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).

Error states

The following error states may be returned when creating a CSR.

A response with a JSON body containing an error code is returned on error.

400Bad RequestRequired sans field is not specified.
400Bad RequestA key_type is specified that is not included in the allowed values.
400Bad RequestA tls_private_key and a key_type are both specified. You can specify one, but not both.
404Not FoundThe optional tls_private_key specified is not found.

Data model

citystringLocality (L) - The locality, city, town, or village where the organization is located.
common_namestringCommon Name (CN) - The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to be secured by this certificate. The common name should be one of the entries in the SANs parameter.
countrystringCountry (C) - The two-letter ISO country code where the organization is located.
emailstringEmail Address (EMAIL) - The organizational contact for this.
key_typestringCSR Key Type.
organizationstringOrganization (O) - The legal name of the organization, including any suffixes. This should not be abbreviated.
organizational_unitstringOrganizational Unit (OU) - The internal division of the organization managing the certificate.
postal_codestringPostal Code - The postal code where the organization is located.
relationships.tls_private_key.idstringAlphanumeric string identifying a private Key.
sansarraySubject Alternate Names - An array of one or more fully qualified domain names or public IP addresses to be secured by this certificate. Required.
statestringState (S) - The state, province, region, or county where the organization is located. This should not be abbreviated.
street_addressstringStreet Address - The street address where the organization is located.
typestringCSR Resource Type. [Default csr]
contentstringThe PEM encoded CSR.


Create CSR
