Edge metrics

The Observability API allows you to programmatically define custom dashboards to view in the Observability web interface. These metrics are compatible with dashboard items where data_source.type is stats.edge.

Edge metrics

all_edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge.
all_edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge.
all_error_requestsnumberNumber of cache errors.
all_hit_requestsnumberNumber of cache hits.
all_miss_requestsnumberNumber of cache misses.
all_pass_requestsintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached.
all_status_1xxintegerNumber of 'Informational' category status codes delivered.
all_status_2xxintegerNumber of 'Success' status codes delivered.
all_status_3xxintegerNumber of 'Redirection' codes delivered.
all_status_4xxintegerNumber of 'Client Error' codes delivered.
all_status_4xx_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 4xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
all_status_5xxintegerNumber of 'Server Error' codes delivered.
all_status_5xx_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 5xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
all_status_gte_400_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 4xx or 5xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
all_status_lt_500_ratenumberPercentage of responses with non-5xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
all_synth_requestsintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement).
attack_blocked_req_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was blocked.
attack_blocked_req_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was blocked.
attack_logged_req_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was logged.
attack_logged_req_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was logged.
attack_passed_req_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was passed.
attack_passed_req_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was passed.
attack_req_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule.
attack_req_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule.
attack_resp_synth_bytesintegerBytes delivered for requests that triggered a WAF rule and returned a synthetic response.
bandwidthintegerBytes delivered (resp_header_bytes + resp_body_bytes + bereq_header_bytes + bereq_body_bytes).
bereq_body_bytesintegerBody bytes sent to origin.
bereq_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes sent to origin.
body_sizeintegerBody bytes delivered (alias for resp_body_bytes).
cache_coveragenumberHow much of your site you are caching with Fastly. It is defined as the ratio of cacheable requests to total requests.
cache_hit_rationumberDeprecated. Ratio of requests served from Fastly. (hits / (hits + edge miss requests - shield hit requests).
compute_bandwidthintegerTotal bytes sent to customers and backends (origins) by Compute.
compute_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent to backends (origins) by Compute.
compute_bereq_errorsintegerNumber of backend request errors, including timeouts.
compute_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends (origins) by Compute.
compute_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from backends (origins) by Compute.
compute_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends (origins) by Compute.
compute_execution_time_msintegerActive CPU time used to process your requests.
compute_globals_limit_exceedednumberNumber of times a guest exceeded its globals limit.
compute_guest_errorsnumberNumber of times a service experienced an edge code error.
compute_heap_limit_exceedednumberNumber of times a guest exceeded its heap limit.
compute_ram_usedintegerRAM used for your site by Fastly, including a maximum indicating the highest usage within this timeframe and a static cap for usage.
compute_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received by Compute.
compute_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received by Compute.
compute_request_time_msintegerTime used to process your requests, including active CPU time.
compute_requestsintegerNumber of compute requests processed.
compute_resource_limit_exceedednumberNumber of times a guest exceeded its resource limit, includes heap, stack, globals, and code execution timeout.
compute_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent from Compute to end user.
compute_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent from Compute to end user.
compute_resp_status_1xxintegerNumber of 'Informational' category status codes delivered by Compute.
compute_resp_status_2xxintegerNumber of 'Success' category status codes delivered by Compute.
compute_resp_status_3xxintegerNumber of 'Redirection' category status codes delivered by Compute.
compute_resp_status_4xxintegerNumber of 'Client Error' category status codes delivered by Compute.
compute_resp_status_5xxintegerNumber of 'Server Error' category status codes delivered by Compute.
compute_runtime_errorsnumberNumber of times a service experienced a guest runtime error.
compute_stack_limit_exceedednumberNumber of times a guest exceeded its stack limit.
compute_vcpu_per_requestintegerAverage amount of CPU time used to process a request received by the service.
ddos_action_blackholenumberThe number of times the blackhole action was taken.
ddos_action_closenumberThe number of times the close action was taken.
ddos_action_limit_streams_connectionsnumberFor HTTP/2, the number of connections the limit-streams action was applied to.
ddos_action_limit_streams_requestsnumberNumber of 'Server Error' category status codes delivered by Compute.
ddos_action_tarpitnumberThe number of times the tarpit action was taken.
ddos_action_tarpit_acceptnumberThe number of times the tarpit-accept action was taken.
deliver_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'deliver' Varnish subroutine.
deliver_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'deliver' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
edge_hit_rationumberRatio of edge hits to edge misses (between 0 and 1).
edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge.
edge_hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for edge hits.
edge_hit_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for edge hits.
edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge.
edge_miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for edge misses.
edge_miss_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for edge misses.
edge_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly.
edge_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered from Fastly to the end user.
edge_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered from Fastly to the end user.
error_rationumber4xx + 5xx / total number of requests.
error_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'error' Varnish subroutine.
error_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'error' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
errorsnumberNumber of cache errors.
fanout_bereq_body_bytesintegerFanout body bytes transferred from backend.
fanout_bereq_header_bytesintegerFanout header bytes transferred from backend.
fanout_beresp_body_bytesintegerFanout body bytes transferred to backend.
fanout_beresp_header_bytesintegerFanout header bytes transferred to backend.
fanout_conn_time_msintegerTotal duration of Fanout connections with end users.
fanout_recv_publishesintegerNumber of messages received from API.
fanout_req_body_bytesintegerFanout body bytes transferred from client.
fanout_req_header_bytesintegerFanout header bytes transferred from client.
fanout_resp_body_bytesintegerFanout body bytes transferred to client.
fanout_resp_header_bytesintegerFanout header bytes transferred to client.
fanout_send_publishesintegerNumber of messages sent to clients.
fetch_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'fetch' Varnish subroutine.
fetch_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'fetch' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
hash_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'hash' Varnish subroutine.
hash_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'hash' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
header_sizeintegerHeader bytes delivered (alias for resp_header_bytes).
hit_rationumberRatio of cache hits to cache misses (between 0 and 1).
hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for cache hits.
hit_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'hit' Varnish subroutine.
hit_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'hit' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
hitsnumberNumber of cache hits.
hits_timeintegerTime spent processing cache hits (in seconds).
hits_time_averageintegerAverage time spent processing cache hits (in milliseconds).
http1integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/1.1.
http2integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/2.
http3integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/3(QUIC).
imgoptointegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_shieldintegerNumber of responses delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideointegerNumber of video responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_framesnumberNumber of video frames that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. A video frame is an individual image within a sequence of video.
imgvideo_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes of video delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes of video delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shieldintegerNumber of video responses delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shield_framesnumberNumber of video frames delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. A video frame is an individual image within a sequence of video.
imgvideo_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes of video delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes of video delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
ipv6integerNumber of requests that were received over IPv6.
kv_store_class_a_operationsnumberThe total number of class a operations for the KV store.
kv_store_class_b_operationsnumberThe total number of class b operations for the KV store.
latency_0_to_1msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 0 and 1 millisecond.
latency_10000_to_60000msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 10000 and 60000 milliseconds.
latency_1000_to_5000msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 1000 and 5000 milliseconds.
latency_100_to_250msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 100 and 250 milliseconds.
latency_10_to_50msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 10 and 50 milliseconds.
latency_1_to_5msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 1 and 5 milliseconds.
latency_250_to_500msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 250 and 500 milliseconds.
latency_5000_to_10000msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 5000 and 10000 milliseconds.
latency_500_to_1000msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 500 and 1000 milliseconds.
latency_50_to_100msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 50 and 100 milliseconds.
latency_5_to_10msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency between 5 and 10 milliseconds.
latency_60000msintegerNumber of responses from origin with latency of 60,000 milliseconds and above.
lognumberNumber of log lines sent.
log_bytesintegerLog bytes sent.
missnumberNumber of cache misses.
miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for cache misses.
miss_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'miss' Varnish subroutine.
miss_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'miss' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
miss_timeintegerTime spent processing cache misses (in seconds).
miss_time_averageintegerAverage time spent processing cache misses (in milliseconds).
object_size_100kintegerNumber of objects served that were between 10KB and 100KB in size.
object_size_100mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 10MB and 100MB in size.
object_size_10kintegerNumber of objects served that were between 1KB and 10KB in size.
object_size_10mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 1MB and 10MB in size.
object_size_1gintegerNumber of objects served that were between 100MB and 1GB in size.
object_size_1kintegerNumber of objects served that were under 1KB in size.
object_size_1mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 100KB and 1MB in size.
origin_fetch_body_bytesintegerRequest body bytes sent to origin.
origin_fetch_header_bytesintegerRequest header bytes sent to origin.
origin_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from origin.
origin_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from origin.
origin_fetchesintegerNumber of requests sent to origin.
origin_latencyintegerAverage time to first byte on a cache miss.
origin_latency_p50integerOrigin latency 50th percentile value.
origin_latency_p95integerOrigin latency 95th percentile value.
origin_latency_p99integerOrigin latency 99th percentile value.
origin_offloadnumberPercentage of bytes delivered from the edge versus delivered from an origin.
origin_revalidationsintegerNumber of responses received from origin with a 304 status code in response to an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match request. Under regular scenarios, a revalidation will imply a cache hit. However, if using Fastly Image Optimizer or segmented caching, this may result in a cache miss.
otfpintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand.
otfp_deliver_timeintegerTime spent delivering a response from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand (in seconds).
otfp_manifestsintegerNumber of responses that were manifest files from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand.
otfp_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand.
otfp_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered via a shield for the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered via a shield for the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_timeintegerTime spent delivering a response via a shield from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packager for On Demand Streaming service for video-on-demand (in seconds).
passintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached.
pass_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for cache passes.
pass_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'pass' Varnish subroutine.
pass_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'pass' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
pass_timeintegerTime spent processing cache passes (in seconds).
pciintegerNumber of responses with the PCI flag turned on.
pipenumberOptional. Pipe operations performed (legacy feature).
pipe_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'pipe' Varnish subroutine.
pipe_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'pipe' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
predeliver_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'predeliver' Varnish subroutine.
predeliver_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'predeliver' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
prehash_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'prehash' Varnish subroutine.
prehash_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'prehash' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
recv_sub_countnumberNumber of executions of the 'recv' Varnish subroutine.
recv_sub_timeintegerTime spent inside the 'recv' Varnish subroutine (in seconds).
req_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received.
req_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received.
requestsintegerNumber of requests processed.
resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered (edge_resp_body_bytes + shield_resp_body_bytes).
resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered (edge_resp_header_bytes + shield_resp_header_bytes).
restartsnumberNumber of restarts performed.
segblock_origin_fetchesintegerNumber of Range requests to origin for segments of resources when using segmented caching.
segblock_shield_fetchesintegerNumber of Range requests to a shield for segments of resources when using segmented caching.
shieldintegerNumber of requests from edge to the shield POP.
shield_fetch_body_bytesintegerRequest body bytes sent to a shield.
shield_fetch_header_bytesintegerRequest header bytes sent to a shield.
shield_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerResponse body bytes sent from a shield to the edge.
shield_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerResponse header bytes sent from a shield to the edge.
shield_fetchesintegerNumber of requests made from one Fastly data center to another, as part of shielding.
shield_hit_rationumberRatio of shield hits to shield misses (between 0 and 1).
shield_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests that resulted in a hit at a shield.
shield_hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for shield hits.
shield_hit_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for shield hits.
shield_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests that resulted in a miss at a shield.
shield_miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for shield misses.
shield_miss_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for shield misses.
shield_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered via a shield.
shield_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered via a shield.
shield_revalidationsintegerNumber of responses received from origin with a 304 status code, in response to an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match request to a shield. Under regular scenarios, a revalidation will imply a cache hit. However, if using segmented caching, this may result in a cache miss.
status_1xxintegerNumber of 'Informational' category status codes delivered.
status_200integerNumber of responses sent with status code 200 (Success).
status_204integerNumber of responses sent with status code 204 (No Content).
status_206integerNumber of responses sent with status code 206 (Partial Content).
status_2xxintegerNumber of 'Success' status codes delivered.
status_301integerNumber of responses sent with status code 301 (Moved Permanently).
status_302integerNumber of responses sent with status code 302 (Found).
status_304integerNumber of responses sent with status code 304 (Not Modified).
status_3xxintegerNumber of 'Redirection' codes delivered.
status_3xx_otherintegerNumber of all 3XX errors, excluding 301s, 302s, and 304s.
status_400integerNumber of responses sent with status code 400 (Bad Request).
status_401integerNumber of responses sent with status code 401 (Unauthorized).
status_403integerNumber of responses sent with status code 403 (Forbidden).
status_404integerNumber of responses sent with status code 404 (Not Found).
status_404_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 404 codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
status_406integerNumber of responses sent with status code 406 (Not Acceptable).
status_416integerNumber of responses sent with status code 416 (Range Not Satisfiable).
status_429integerNumber of responses sent with status code 429 (Too Many Requests).
status_4xxintegerNumber of 'Client Error' codes delivered.
status_4xx_excl_404_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 4xx codes delivered excluding 404. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
status_4xx_otherintegerNumber of all 4XX errors, excluding 400s, 401s, 403, 404, 416, and 429s.
status_4xx_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 4xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
status_4xx_rationumberRatio of requests returning 4XX codes.
status_500integerNumber of responses sent with status code 500 (Internal Server Error).
status_501integerNumber of responses sent with status code 501 (Not Implemented).
status_502integerNumber of responses sent with status code 502 (Bad Gateway).
status_503integerNumber of responses sent with status code 503 (Service Unavailable).
status_503_rationumberPercentage of requests returning 503 codes.
status_504integerNumber of responses sent with status code 504 (Gateway Timeout).
status_505integerNumber of responses sent with status code 505 (HTTP Version Not Supported).
status_5xxintegerNumber of 'Server Error' codes delivered.
status_5xx_non_503_rationumberPercentage of requests returning 5XX errors, excluding 503s.
status_5xx_otherintegerNumber of all 5XX errors, excluding 500s, 501s, 502s, 503s, 504s, and 505s.
status_5xx_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 5xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
status_gte_400_ratenumberPercentage of responses with 4xx or 5xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
status_lt_500_ratenumberPercentage of responses with non-5xx codes delivered. If there are no responses, this value will be 0%.
synthintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement).
tlsintegerNumber of requests that were received over TLS.
tls_handshake_bytesintegerNumber of bytes transferred during TLS handshake.
tls_v10integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.0.
tls_v11integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.1.
tls_v12integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.2.
tls_v13integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.3.
uncacheableintegerNumber of requests that were designated uncachable.
videointegerNumber of responses with the video segment or video manifest MIME type (i.e., application/x-mpegurl, application/vnd.apple.mpegurl, application/f4m, application/dash+xml, application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml, ideo/mp2t, audio/aac, video/f4f, video/x-flv, video/mp4, audio/mp4).
waf_blockedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were blocked.
waf_loggedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were logged.
waf_passedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were passed.
websocket_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes received from origin over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to origin over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes sent to origin over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to origin over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_conn_time_msintegerTotal duration of passthrough WebSocket connections with end users.
websocket_req_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes received from end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes sent to end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.