Custom dashboards

The Observability API allows you to programmatically define custom dashboards to view in the Observability web interface.

Data model

descriptionstringA short description of the dashboard.
itemsarrayA list of dashboard items.
namestringA human-readable name. Required.
created_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
created_bystringThe ID of the user who created the dashboard. Read-only.
idstringDashboard identifier (UUID). Read-only.
updated_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
updated_bystringThe ID of the user who last modified the dashboard. Read-only.

Dashboard item

A dashboard item. Typically a data visualization like a chart.

data_sourceobjectAn object which describes the data to display. Required.
idstringDashboard item identifier (UUID). Read-only.
spanintegerThe number of columns for the dashboard item to span. Dashboards are rendered on a 12-column grid on "desktop" screen sizes. [Default 4]
subtitlestringA human-readable subtitle for the dashboard item. Often a description of the visualization. Required.
titlestringA human-readable title for the dashboard item. Required.
visualizationobjectAn object which describes the data visualization to display. Required.

Data source

An object which describes the data to display.

configobjectConfiguration options for the selected data source. Required.
typestringThe source of the data to display. Required.

Data source config

Configuration options for the selected data source.

metricsarrayThe metrics to visualize. Valid options are defined by the selected data source. Required.


An object which describes the data visualization to display.

configobjectConfiguration options for the given visualization. Required.
typestringThe type of visualization to display. Required.

Visualization config

Configuration options for the given visualization.

calculation_methodstring(Optional) The aggregation function to apply to the dataset.
formatstring(Optional) The units to use to format the data. [Default number]
plot_typestringThe type of chart to display. Required.


List all custom dashboards


Create a new dashboard


Retrieve a dashboard by ID


Delete an existing dashboard


Update an existing dashboard
