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Introducing the Fastly Extension for Raycast

Jonathan Speek

Senior Product Manager , Fastly

We're excited to share an all-new Fastly extension for Raycast. This new Raycast extension brings common Fastly tasks directly to macOS (Windows coming soon!), making it easier than ever to manage your services, get support, or find resources.

What's Raycast?

If you haven't used Raycast before, it’s a productivity tool that replaces your computer's default Spotlight search with a powerful command center. Like Spotlight, it starts with a simple search bar, but it offers extensive customization and developer-focused features. Through these extensions, Raycast lets you access your favorite tools and services right from your keyboard.

What Can You Do with the Fastly Extension?

The extension puts several common Fastly tasks just a keyboard shortcut away:

Quick Service Access

  • Search your services by name or domain

  • View service details and today's stats

  • Jump directly to services in the Fastly Control Panel when needed

Common Actions

  • Execute purge-all operations on services

  • Create new CDN services

  • Invite team members

Helpful Resources

Quick links to:

  • Status page

  • Support portal

  • Key documentation

  • Community forum

Getting Started

Using the Fastly extension is straightforward:

1. Install Raycast if you haven't already

2. Add the Fastly extension from the Raycast store

3. Follow the instructions to configure your API token

4. Enjoy!

Making Your Workflow More Convenient

While you'll still use the Fastly Control Panel for detailed configuration and monitoring, this extension helps reduce the small friction points in your day-to-day work. Whether you're quickly checking a service's status or needing to purge cache, you can now do it right from ⌘+SPACE.

We built this extension because we believe in making Fastly’s platform accessible wherever is convenient for our users. Whether that be the Control Panel, the CLI, the API, or Raycast. We hope you find it useful in your daily workflows.

What's Next

This is just the beginning. We're already working on new features to make the extension even more powerful, including more granular purge options and additional service management capabilities. Have a feature you'd like to see? Let us know - we're building this for you!

Have feedback about the Fastly Raycast extension? We'd love to hear from you through our Community Forum.